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waitSignal support added

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@nicoddemus nicoddemus released this 03 Jul 00:53
· 1031 commits to master since this release

This version include the new waitSignal function, which makes it easy to write tests for long running computations that happen in other threads or processes:

    def test_long_computation(qtbot):
        app = Application()

        # Watch for the app.worker.finished signal, then start the worker.
        with qtbot.waitSignal(app.worker.finished, timeout=10000) as blocker:
            blocker.connect(app.worker.failed)  # Can add other signals to blocker
            # Test will wait here until either signal is emitted, or 10 seconds has elapsed

        assert blocker.signal_triggered  # Assuming the work took less than 10 seconds

Many thanks to @jdreaver for discussion and complete PR! (#12, #13)