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feat(target_chains/ton): add parse_price_feed_updates (#2099)
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* add parse_price_feed_updates

* remove unnecessary comments

* fix parse_price_feed_updates

* uncomment test

* add more tests

* address comment

* address comments

* address comments
  • Loading branch information
cctdaniel authored Nov 12, 2024
1 parent 9a36898 commit d3d0f9f
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Showing 12 changed files with 933 additions and 36 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions target_chains/ton/contracts/contracts/Main.fc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
cell data = in_msg_body~load_ref();
slice data_slice = data.begin_parse();

;; Get sender address from message
slice cs = in_msg_full.begin_parse();
cs~skip_bits(4); ;; skip flags
slice sender_address = cs~load_msg_addr(); ;; load sender address

;; * The remainder of the message body is specific for each supported value of `op`.
Expand All @@ -25,6 +30,18 @@
} elseif (op == OP_UPGRADE_CONTRACT) {
} elseif (op == OP_PARSE_PRICE_FEED_UPDATES) {
cell price_ids_cell = in_msg_body~load_ref();
slice price_ids_slice = price_ids_cell.begin_parse();
int min_publish_time = in_msg_body~load_uint(64);
int max_publish_time = in_msg_body~load_uint(64);
parse_price_feed_updates(msg_value, data_slice, price_ids_slice, min_publish_time, max_publish_time, sender_address);
cell price_ids_cell = in_msg_body~load_ref();
slice price_ids_slice = price_ids_cell.begin_parse();
int publish_time = in_msg_body~load_uint(64);
int max_staleness = in_msg_body~load_uint(64);
parse_unique_price_feed_updates(msg_value, data_slice, price_ids_slice, publish_time, max_staleness, sender_address);
} else {
throw(0xffff); ;; Throw exception for unknown op
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264 changes: 242 additions & 22 deletions target_chains/ton/contracts/contracts/Pyth.fc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "common/merkle_tree.fc";
#include "common/governance_actions.fc";
#include "common/gas.fc";
#include "common/op.fc";
#include "./Wormhole.fc";

cell store_price(int price, int conf, int expo, int publish_time) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,16 +157,7 @@ int parse_pyth_payload_in_wormhole_vm(slice payload) impure {
return payload~load_uint(160); ;; Return root_digest

() update_price_feeds(int msg_value, slice data) impure {
slice cs = read_and_verify_header(data);

int wormhole_proof_size_bytes = cs~load_uint(16);
(cell wormhole_proof, slice new_cs) = read_and_store_large_data(cs, wormhole_proof_size_bytes * 8);
cs = new_cs;

int num_updates = cs~load_uint(8);
() calculate_and_validate_fees(int msg_value, int num_updates) impure {
int update_fee = single_update_fee * num_updates;
int compute_fee = get_compute_fee(
Expand All @@ -176,30 +168,264 @@ int parse_pyth_payload_in_wormhole_vm(slice payload) impure {

;; Check if the sender has sent enough TON to cover the update_fee
throw_unless(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FEE, remaining_msg_value >= update_fee);

(int) find_price_id_index(tuple price_ids, int price_id) {
int len = price_ids.tlen();
int i = 0;
while (i < len) {
if ( == price_id) {
return i;
i += 1;
return -1; ;; Not found

tuple parse_price_feeds_from_data(int msg_value, slice data, tuple price_ids, int min_publish_time, int max_publish_time, int unique) {
slice cs = read_and_verify_header(data);

int wormhole_proof_size_bytes = cs~load_uint(16);
(cell wormhole_proof, slice new_cs) = read_and_store_large_data(cs, wormhole_proof_size_bytes * 8);
cs = new_cs;

int num_updates = cs~load_uint(8);

calculate_and_validate_fees(msg_value, num_updates);

(_, _, _, _, int emitter_chain_id, int emitter_address, _, _, slice payload, _) = parse_and_verify_wormhole_vm(wormhole_proof.begin_parse());

;; Check if the data source is valid
cell data_source = begin_cell()
.store_uint(emitter_chain_id, 16)
.store_uint(emitter_address, 256)

;; Dictionary doesn't support cell as key, so we use cell_hash to create a 256-bit integer key
int data_source_key = cell_hash(data_source);

(slice value, int found?) = is_valid_data_source.udict_get?(256, data_source_key);
int valid = value~load_int(1);

int root_digest = parse_pyth_payload_in_wormhole_vm(payload);

;; Create dictionary to store price feeds in order (dict has a udict_get_next? method which returns the next key in order)
cell ordered_feeds = new_dict();
;; Track which price IDs we've found
cell found_price_ids = new_dict();

int index = 0;

repeat(num_updates) {
(int price_id, int price, int conf, int expo, int publish_time, _, int ema_price, int ema_conf, slice new_cs) = read_and_verify_message(cs, root_digest);
(int price_id, int price, int conf, int expo, int publish_time, int prev_publish_time, int ema_price, int ema_conf, slice new_cs) = read_and_verify_message(cs, root_digest);
cs = new_cs;

int price_ids_len = price_ids.tlen();

;; Check if we've already processed this price_id to avoid duplicates
(_, int already_processed?) = found_price_ids.udict_get?(256, price_id);
if (~ already_processed?) { ;; Only process if we haven't seen this price_id yet
int should_include = (price_ids_len == 0)
| ((price_ids_len > 0)
& (publish_time >= min_publish_time)
& (publish_time <= max_publish_time)
& ((unique == 0) | (min_publish_time > prev_publish_time)));

if (should_include) {
;; Create price feed cell containing both current and EMA prices
cell price_feed_cell = begin_cell()
.store_ref(store_price(price, conf, expo, publish_time))
.store_ref(store_price(ema_price, ema_conf, expo, publish_time))

if (price_ids_len == 0) {
ordered_feeds~udict_set(8, index, begin_cell()
.store_uint(price_id, 256)
index += 1;
} else {
index = find_price_id_index(price_ids, price_id);
if (index >= 0) {
ordered_feeds~udict_set(8, index, begin_cell()
.store_uint(price_id, 256)

;; Mark this price ID as found
found_price_ids~udict_set(256, price_id, begin_cell().store_int(true, 1).end_cell().begin_parse());

throw_if(ERROR_INVALID_UPDATE_DATA_LENGTH, ~ cs.slice_empty?());

;; Verify all requested price IDs were found
if (price_ids.tlen() > 0) {
int i = 0;
repeat(price_ids.tlen()) {
int requested_id =;
(_, int found?) = found_price_ids.udict_get?(256, requested_id);
i += 1;

;; Create final ordered tuple from dictionary
tuple price_feeds = empty_tuple();
int index = -1;
do {
(index, slice value, int success) = ordered_feeds.udict_get_next?(8, index);
if (success) {
tuple price_feed = empty_tuple();
price_feed~tpush(value~load_uint(256)); ;; price_id
price_feed~tpush(value~load_ref()); ;; price_feed_cell
} until (~ success);

return price_feeds;

;; Creates a chain of cells from price feeds, with each cell containing exactly one price_id (256 bits)
;; and one ref to the price feed cell. Returns the head of the chain.
;; Each cell now contains exactly:
;; - One price_id (256 bits)
;; - One ref to price_feed_cell
;; - One optional ref to next cell in chain
;; This approach is:
;; - More consistent with TON's cell model
;; - Easier to traverse and read individual price feeds
;; - Cleaner separation of data
;; - More predictable in terms of cell structure
cell create_price_feed_cell_chain(tuple price_feeds) {
cell result = null();

int i = price_feeds.tlen() - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
tuple price_feed =;
int price_id =;
cell price_feed_cell =;

;; Create new cell with single price feed and chain to previous result
builder current_builder = begin_cell()
.store_uint(price_id, 256) ;; Store price_id
.store_ref(price_feed_cell); ;; Store price data ref

;; Chain to previous cells if they exist
if (~ cell_null?(result)) {
current_builder = current_builder.store_ref(result);

result = current_builder.end_cell();
i -= 1;

return result;

() send_price_feeds_response(tuple price_feeds, int msg_value, int op, slice sender_address) impure {
;; Build response cell with price feeds
builder response = begin_cell()
.store_uint(op, 32) ;; Response op
.store_uint(price_feeds.tlen(), 8); ;; Number of price feeds

;; Create and store price feed cell chain
cell price_feeds_cell = create_price_feed_cell_chain(price_feeds);
response = response.store_ref(price_feeds_cell);

;; Build the complete message cell (
cell msg = begin_cell()
.store_uint(0x18, 6)
.store_coins(0) ;; Will fill in actual amount after fee calculations
.store_uint(1, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1)

int num_price_feeds = price_feeds.tlen();

;; Number of cells in the message
;; - 2 cells: msg + response
int cells = 2 + num_price_feeds;

;; Bit layout per TL-B spec (
;; - 6 bits: optimized way of serializing the tag and the first 4 fields
;; - 256 bits: owner address
;; - 128 bits: coins (VarUInteger 16) from grams$_ amount:(VarUInteger 16) = Grams
;; - 107 bits: other data (extra_currencies + ihr_fee + fwd_fee + lt of transaction + unixtime of transaction + no init-field flag + inplace message body flag)
;; - PRICE_FEED_BITS * num_price_feeds: space for each price feed
int bits = 6 + 256 + 128 + 107 + (PRICE_FEED_BITS * num_price_feeds);
int fwd_fee = get_forward_fee(cells, bits, WORKCHAIN);

;; Calculate all fees
int compute_fee = get_compute_fee(WORKCHAIN, get_gas_consumed());
int update_fee = single_update_fee * price_feeds.tlen();

;; Calculate total fees and remaining excess
int total_fees = compute_fee + update_fee + fwd_fee;
int excess = msg_value - total_fees;

;; Send response message back to sender with exact excess amount
.store_uint(0x18, 6)
.store_uint(1, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1)

() parse_price_feed_updates(int msg_value, slice update_data_slice, slice price_ids_slice, int min_publish_time, int max_publish_time, slice sender_address) impure {

;; Load price_ids tuple
int price_ids_len = price_ids_slice~load_uint(8);
tuple price_ids = empty_tuple();
repeat(price_ids_len) {
int price_id = price_ids_slice~load_uint(256);

tuple price_feeds = parse_price_feeds_from_data(msg_value, update_data_slice, price_ids, min_publish_time, max_publish_time, false);
send_price_feeds_response(price_feeds, msg_value, OP_PARSE_PRICE_FEED_UPDATES, sender_address);

() parse_unique_price_feed_updates(int msg_value, slice update_data_slice, slice price_ids_slice, int publish_time, int max_staleness, slice sender_address) impure {

;; Load price_ids tuple
int price_ids_len = price_ids_slice~load_uint(8);
tuple price_ids = empty_tuple();
repeat(price_ids_len) {
int price_id = price_ids_slice~load_uint(256);

tuple price_feeds = parse_price_feeds_from_data(msg_value, update_data_slice, price_ids, publish_time, publish_time + max_staleness, true);
send_price_feeds_response(price_feeds, msg_value, OP_PARSE_UNIQUE_PRICE_FEED_UPDATES, sender_address);

() update_price_feeds(int msg_value, slice data) impure {
tuple price_feeds = parse_price_feeds_from_data(msg_value, data, empty_tuple(), 0, 0, false);
int num_updates = price_feeds.tlen();

int i = 0;
while(i < num_updates) {
tuple price_feed =;
int price_id =;
cell price_feed_cell =;
slice price_feed = price_feed_cell.begin_parse();
slice price = price_feed~load_ref().begin_parse();
slice ema_price = price_feed~load_ref().begin_parse();
(int price_, int conf, int expo, int publish_time) = parse_price(price);

(slice latest_price_info, int found?) = latest_price_feeds.udict_get?(256, price_id);
int latest_publish_time = 0;
if (found?) {
Expand All @@ -213,17 +439,11 @@ int parse_pyth_payload_in_wormhole_vm(slice payload) impure {

if (publish_time > latest_publish_time) {
cell price_feed = begin_cell()
.store_ref(store_price(price, conf, expo, publish_time))
.store_ref(store_price(ema_price, ema_conf, expo, publish_time))

latest_price_feeds~udict_set(256, price_id, begin_cell().store_ref(price_feed).end_cell().begin_parse());
latest_price_feeds~udict_set(256, price_id, begin_cell().store_ref(price_feed_cell).end_cell().begin_parse());
i += 1;

throw_if(ERROR_INVALID_UPDATE_DATA_LENGTH, ~ cs.slice_empty?());


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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions target_chains/ton/contracts/contracts/common/constants.fc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,20 @@ const int WORMHOLE_MERKLE_UPDATE_TYPE = 0;


;; Structure:
;; - 256 bits: price_id
;; Price:
;; - 64 bits: price
;; - 64 bits: confidence
;; - 32 bits: exponent
;; - 64 bits: publish_time
;; EMA Price:
;; - 64 bits: price
;; - 64 bits: confidence
;; - 32 bits: exponent
;; - 64 bits: publish_time
const int PRICE_FEED_BITS = 256 + 224 + 224;

The main workchain ID in TON. Currently, TON has two blockchains:
1. Masterchain: Used for system-level operations and consensus.
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions target_chains/ton/contracts/contracts/common/errors.fc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ const int ERROR_INVALID_GOVERNANCE_MAGIC = 2016;
const int ERROR_INVALID_CODE_HASH = 2018;

;; Common
const int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_GAS = 3000;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions target_chains/ton/contracts/contracts/common/gas.fc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
int get_compute_fee(int workchain, int gas_used) asm(gas_used workchain) "GETGASFEE";
int get_gas_consumed() asm "GASCONSUMED";
int get_forward_fee(int cells, int bits, int workchain) asm(cells bits workchain) "GETFORWARDFEE";

;; 1 update: 262,567 gas
;; 2 updates: 347,791 (+85,224)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions target_chains/ton/contracts/contracts/common/op.fc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ const int OP_UPDATE_GUARDIAN_SET = 1;
const int OP_UPDATE_PRICE_FEEDS = 2;
const int OP_UPGRADE_CONTRACT = 4;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions target_chains/ton/contracts/contracts/common/utils.fc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;; Built-in assembly functions
int keccak256(slice s) asm "1 PUSHINT HASHEXT_KECCAK256"; ;; Keccak-256 hash function
int keccak256_tuple(tuple t) asm "DUP TLEN EXPLODEVAR HASHEXT_KECCAK256";
int tlen(tuple t) asm "TLEN";

const MAX_BITS = 1016;

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