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2.2.0 (September 14, 2021)

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@kmvanbrunt kmvanbrunt released this 14 Sep 17:22
· 183 commits to master since this release
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed extra space appended to each alias by "alias list" command
  • Enhancements
    • New function set_default_ap_completer_type() allows developer to extend and modify the
      behavior of ArgparseCompleter.
    • Added ArgumentParser.get_ap_completer_type() and ArgumentParser.set_ap_completer_type(). These
      methods allow developers to enable custom tab completion behavior for a given parser by using a custom
      ArgparseCompleter-based class.
    • Added ap_completer_type keyword arg to Cmd2ArgumentParser.__init__() which saves a call
      to set_ap_completer_type(). This keyword will also work with add_parser() when creating subcommands
      if the base command's parser is a Cmd2ArgumentParser.
    • New function register_argparse_argument_parameter() allows developers to specify custom
      parameters to be passed to the argparse parser's add_argument() method. These parameters will
      become accessible in the resulting argparse Action object when modifying ArgparseCompleter behavior.
    • Using SimpleTable in the output for the following commands to improve appearance.
      • help
      • set (command and tab completion of Settables)
      • alias tab completion
      • macro tab completion
    • Tab completion of CompletionItems now includes divider row comprised of Cmd.ruler character.
    • Removed --verbose flag from set command since descriptions always show now.
    • All cmd2 built-in commands now populate self.last_result.
    • Argparse tab completer will complete remaining flag names if there are no more positionals to complete.
    • Updated async_alert() to account for self.prompt not matching Readline's current prompt.
  • Deletions (potentially breaking changes)
    • Deleted set_choices_provider() and set_completer() which were deprecated in 2.1.2
  • Breaking Changes
    • Renamed set_default_argument_parser() to set_default_argument_parser_type()