这是一个将SQL的where条件语句转换成BSON格式的Golang代码包,在使用mongoDB的时候,我们通常使用BSON格式进行条件过滤,有时候我们要写大量的代码,通过这个包你可以轻松进行条件查询。 This is a Golang code package that converts SQL WHERE condition statements to BSON format. When using MongoDB, we typically use BSON format for filtering conditions. Sometimes, we need to write a large amount of code for this purpose. With this package, you can easily perform conditional queries.
go get github.com/pywee/gobson-where
golang 内引入
import (
where github.com/pywee/gobson-where
func main() {
opt := where.Parse(`sku!=123 AND (name=456 OR id=789) AND id!=1 ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT 0,10`)
The above code will eventually be transformed into the following structure: 以上的写法最终将转换为如下结构:
_ = bson.D{
bson.E{Key: "sku", Value: bson.M{"$ne": "123"}},
bson.E{Key: "$or", Value: bson.A{
bson.D{bson.E{Key: "name", Value: 456}},
bson.D{bson.E{Key: "id", Value: 789}},
bson.E{Key: "id", Value: bson.M{"$ne": 1}},
The SQL statement includes the "LIMIT" keyword, which simultaneously sets the "options.FindOptions" object internally. 针对以上的 SQL 语句中的 LIMIT 关键词,内部同时会设定 options.FindOptions 对象。
limit 0,10 = options.Find().SetSkip(0).SetLimit(10)
The SQL statement includes the "ORDER" keyword, which simultaneously sets the "options.FindOptions" object internally. 针对以上的 SQL 语句中的 ORDER 关键词,内部同时会设定 options.FindOptions 对象。
ORDER BY name DESC = options.Find().SetSort("name", -1)