#RecLiner Record and recall lines that you have typed!
- On enter, esc, or tab, the line just typed will be stored in a searchable history.
- Youtube Demo
####Startup Install Autohotkey 1.1.15+ and run recliner.ahk.
- Press the hotkey (default: f4) to bring up a search prompt.
- Navigate the history the arrow keys, starting with the first found entry (i.e., F1).
- Search by text or index number
- Press enter on a blank prompt to automatically send the next entry.
- Only lines longer than 2 characters will be stored (change MinLength in recliner.ini).
- To send special characters (such as line breaks), append the entry with '###'. For example, "###blah blah{!}{enter}blah" will send the two lines "blah blah!" and "blah". For a list of special characters, see autohotkey help