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Given a node app (in its fully installed state) with a package-lock.json, qbundler will create a bundled file containing all the app's JavaScript files. When the file is run, it will be run with qdd's qdd-node automatically, with an in-line package-lock, so dependencies will be installed to and loaded from the qdd cache.

webpack is used to create the bundle. At the moment, only default options are supported (e.g. no support for non-JS files in your app's directory).

Note: This is pretty experimental and might break with many apps. It's really just at the proof-of-concept stage right now.

Install it globally and pass it a relative path to your entrypoint file. The package-lock.json will be read from the current working directory.


$ npm i -g qdd # qdd must be installed globally for the loader to work
$ npm i # make sure everything is in place for the bundler
$ npx qbundler ./index.js
bundle written to $PWD/index.qbundled.js
$ cp index.qbundled.js /tmp/ # putting it in a completely different place
$ cd /tmp
$ node index.qbundled.js
# app works!



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