在2019年的时候,由于人力成本等因素,项目组没有前端人员,所以我们需要自己开发报表(react + fusion + 后端接口), 开始两周,大家都在重复同样的工作( 写SQL -> 写接口 -> 写页面)。
最终,我完成了一个FlashQuery的框架,这个框架只需要写Sql模板(可以任意模板,但是为了降低学习成本,默认支持MyBatis的xml模板格式),模板中的参数就是前端的入参,整个过程抽象成了 (前端传参 -> 接收到JsonObject -> 渲染sql -> 执行sql -> 返回前端组件认识的格式 -> 报表展现)
本框架引用另一个github的项目 https://github.com/wenzuojing/SqlTemplate ,在其基础上做了一些扩展,修复了一些已知问题。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="">
<select id="testLogin">
select * from t_user where code = #{code} and password = #{password}
<select id="testQuery">
select * from t_user
where tenant_code ='xingchuan'
<if test="userCode != null">
and user_code = #{userCode}
<if test="userName != null">
and user_name = #{userName}
<insert id="testInsert">
insert into t_user
<foreach collection="userList" item="user" separator=",">
<update id="testUpdate">
update t_user
set gmt_modified = now(),
user_name = #{user.name}
where tenant_code = #{user.tenantCode}
and user_code = #{user.code}
<delete id="testDelete">
delete t_user
where tenant_code = #{user.tenantCode}
and user_code = #{user.code}
FlashSqlEngine flashSqlEngine = new FlashSqlEngine();
// 提供了默认的mybatis的渲染机制,如果需要别的,只需要提供对应的sqlParseProvider即可
flashSqlEngine.registerSqlParseProvider(MYBATIS_SQL_TYPE, new DefaultMybatisSqlParseProvider());
// 构造参数
JSONObject param = JSONUtil.createObj();
param.set("userCode", "xingchuan.qxc");
param.set("userName", "钱幸川");
// 渲染sql
String testQuerySql = flashSqlEngine.parseSqlWithSqlId("testQuery", param);
// 结果是 select * from t_user where tenant_code = 'xingchuan' and user_code ='xingchuan.qxc' and user_name ='钱幸川'
logger.info("{}", testQuerySql);
// 构造参数
JSONObject param = JSONUtil.createObj();
param.set("userCode", "xingchuan.qxc");
param.set("userName", "钱幸川");
// 初始化,如果是spring 相关的项目,engine只需要初始化一次
FlashSqlEngine flashSqlEngine = new FlashSqlEngine();
flashSqlEngine.registerSqlParseProvider(MYBATIS_SQL_TYPE, new DefaultMybatisSqlParseProvider());
String sqlTemplate = "select * from t_user\n" +
" where tenant_code ='xingchuan'\n" +
" <if test=\"userCode != null\">\n" +
" and user_code = #{userCode}\n" +
" </if>\n" +
" <if test=\"userName != null\">\n" +
" and user_name = #{userName}\n" +
" </if>";
String sql = flashSqlEngine.parseSql(sqlTemplate, param, MYBATIS_SQL_TYPE);
// 目标结果是 select * from t_user where tenant_code = 'xingchuan' and user_code ='xingchuan.qxc' and user_name = '钱幸川'
logger.info("{}", sql);