Graph visualizer for dependencies between JIRA tickets. Takes into account subtasks and issuelinks.
Uses JIRA rest API v2 for fetching information on issues. Uses Google Chart API for graphical presentation.
- Python 2.6+
- restkit
$ git clone
$ cd jira-dependency-graph
$ python --user=your-jira-username --password=your-jira-password --jira=url-of-your-jira-site issue-key
# e.g.:
$ python --user=pawelrychlik --password=s3cr3t --jira= JIRATICKET-718
Fetching JIRATICKET-2451
JIRATICKET-2451 <= is blocked by <= JIRATICKET-3853
JIRATICKET-2451 <= is blocked by <= JIRATICKET-3968
JIRATICKET-2451 <= is blocked by <= JIRATICKET-3126
JIRATICKET-2451 <= is blocked by <= JIRATICKET-2977
Fetching JIRATICKET-3853
JIRATICKET-3853 => blocks => JIRATICKET-2451
JIRATICKET-3853 <= relates to <= JIRATICKET-3968
Fetching JIRATICKET-3968
JIRATICKET-3968 => blocks => JIRATICKET-2451
JIRATICKET-3968 => relates to => JIRATICKET-3853
Fetching JIRATICKET-3126
JIRATICKET-3126 => blocks => JIRATICKET-2451
JIRATICKET-3126 => testing discovered => JIRATICKET-3571
Fetching JIRATICKET-3571
JIRATICKET-3571 <= discovered while testing <= JIRATICKET-3126
Fetching JIRATICKET-2977
JIRATICKET-2977 => blocks => JIRATICKET-2451
Google Chart request:{"JIRATICKET-2451"->"JIRATICKET-3853"[arrowhead=empty][label="is+blocked+by"];"JIRATICKET-2451"->"JIRATICKET-3968"[arrowhead=empty][label="is+blocked+by"];"JIRATICKET-2451"->"JIRATICKET-3126"[arrowhead=empty][label="is+blocked+by"];"JIRATICKET-2451"->"JIRATICKET-2977"[arrowhead=empty][label="is+blocked+by"];"JIRATICKET-3853"->"JIRATICKET-2451"[arrowhead=empty][label="blocks"];"JIRATICKET-3853"->"JIRATICKET-3968"[arrowhead=empty][label="relates+to"];"JIRATICKET-3968"->"JIRATICKET-2451"[arrowhead=empty][label="blocks"];"JIRATICKET-3968"->"JIRATICKET-3853"[arrowhead=empty][label="relates+to"];"JIRATICKET-3126"->"JIRATICKET-2451"[arrowhead=empty][label="blocks"];"JIRATICKET-3126"->"JIRATICKET-3571"[arrowhead=empty][label="testing+discovered"];"JIRATICKET-3571"->"JIRATICKET-3126"[arrowhead=empty][label="discovered+while+testing"] ;"JIRATICKET-2977"->"JIRATICKET-2451"[arrowhead=empty][label="blocks"]}
Writing to issue_graph.png
If you have issues with the Google Graphviz API limitations you can use your local graphviz installation like this:
$ git clone
$ cd jira-dependency-graph
$ python --user=your-jira-username --password=your-jira-password --jira=url-of-your-jira-site --local issue-key | dot -Tpng > issue_graph.png
In case you have specific issue links you don't want to see in your graph, you can exclude them:
$ python --user=your-jira-username --password=your-jira-password --jira=url-of-your-jira-site --exclude-link 'is required by' --exclude-link 'duplicates' issue-key
The grapher will still walk the link, just exclude the edge. This especially useful for bidirectional links and you only want to see one of them, e.g. depends on and is required by.
Based on: and Atlassian JIRA development documentation, which seemingly was no longer compatible with JIRA REST API Version 2.
There is a limit on the query lenght: "The longest URL that Google accepts in a chart GET request is 2048 characters in length, after URL-encoding" (from faq).