This repository contains data and code for reproducing the analyses in Prior water availability modifies the effect of heavy rainfall on dengue transmission: a time series analysis of passive surveillance data from Guangzhou, China
This foloder includes only one file DF_case.csv, which has 6 columns:
- OnsetDate, the date for the onset of symptoms.
- CaseCount, number of cases with symptoms onset on OnsetDate
- Precipitation, daily total rainfall (mm)
- Tave, daily mean temperature (°C)
- Tmax, daily maximum temperature (°C)
- Tmin, daily minimum temperature (°C)
This folder contains code for the analyses and figures:
- 0_packages_data_functions.R: R script to load packages, preprocess data, generate cross-basis functions, and fit the model
- 1_visualize_data.R: R script to visualize the climate and disease data for Figs 2, 3, and S1-3
- 2_run_model.R: R script to fit the models and save the model outputs
- 3_plot_results.R: R script to visualize the results