A Leiningen plugin to present a dependency diagram of Duct framework based app, using Graphviz.
Put [duct-viz "0.1.3"]
into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj.
$ lein duct-viz -h
Usage: lein duct-viz [options]
-c, --config-file CONFIG_FILE config.edn Duct config file.
-d, --dev Use :dev profile.
-o, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE system.png Output file path, png image.
-v, --vertical Use vertical layout.
-h, --help Help.
Here's an example of a project using lein new duct foo +api +ataraxy +example +sqlite
Copyright © 2017 Quan
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.