Generate Argo CD Application as part of the Quarkus build or the Quarkus CLI.
- Generate the Argo CD Application Kubernetes CR for the Quarkus application
- Command Line interface to install / uninstall and list Argo CD Application(s)
- Integration with Quarkus Helm
- Project added under version control and pushed on a repository (e.g. GitHub, etc.)
- A Kubernetes cluster with Argo CD installed and supporting
To build the extension use the following command:
mvn clean install
To get the Argo CD custom resources generated, it is needed to add the quarkus-argocd
extension to the project.
To add the extension to the project, manually edit the pom.xml
or build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'io.quarkiverse.argocd:quarkus-argocd:999-SNAPSHOT'
After this step the Argo CD will be generated under the .argocd
directory within the project root as part of the build.
The project provides a companion CLI that can be used to install / uninstall and list the Argo CD Applications. The CLI can be added with the following command:
quarkus plug add io.quarkiverse.argocd:quarkus-argocd-cli:999-SNAPSHOT
To re-trigger the file generation:
quarkus argocd project generate
To install generated Application
CR to the currently connected Kubernetes cluster:
quarkus argocd project install
Note: In case of un-committed or un-pushed changes the command will prompt users to decide if they want to proceed with the installation.
The currently connected Kubernetes cluster
is the one that is configured in the ~/.kube/config
It can be overridden by setting in
a different API server URL and token. See the quarkus-kubernetes-client
extension for more details.
To uninstall:
quarkus argocd project uninstall
To list all Applications installed
quarkus argocd project list