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If you have not used Quarkus before:


This is the web frontend for the Quarkus Coffeeshop Application

Orders can be placed through the web UI or a REST endpoint "/order"

Local Development

You will need to start the supporting services, Kafka and PostgreSQL, from the quarkuscoffeeshop-support project:

git clone

The services can be started with Docker compose from within the quarkuscoffeeshop-support directory:

docker compose up

Environment Variables

This services uses the following environment variables, all of which are set in development mode:

NOTE: Quarkus has a development mode that automatically listens for a debugger, watches for code changes and reloads your application immediately, and allows you to set application properties specifically for development. You can learn more in Quarkus' getting started guide:


If you wish to override these you can set them with the following (on Linux or a Mac):

export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092 STREAM_URL=http://localhost:8080/dashboard/stream CORS_ORIGINS=http://localhost:8080 STORE_ID=ATLANTA

Starting the app

To start the app in Quarkus dev mode with:

./mvnw clean compile quarkus:dev

Attaching a debugger

By default Quarkus listens on port 5005 for a debugger. You can change this by appending the flag, "-Ddebug<>" as in the below examples. The parameter is optional, of course:

./mvnw clean compile quarkus:dev -Ddebug=5006


The docker-compose file starts an instance of pgAdmin4. You can login with:

You will need to create a connection to the Crunchy PostgreSQL database. Use the following values:

  • General ** Name: pg10
  • Connection ** Host: crunchy ** Port: 5432 ** Maintenance database: postgres ** Username: postgres ** Password: redhat-20

The settings are not currently persisted across restarts so they will have to be recreated each time "docker-compose up" is run

Containerizing the application (OPTIONAL)

Quarkus applications contain all the files needed to containerize the application yourself (you don't have to do this to run the app):

./mvnw clean package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native -t <<DOCKER_HUB_ID>>/quarkuscoffeeshop-web .
export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_URLS=localhost:9092 STREAM_URL=http://localhost:8080/dashboard/stream CORS_ORIGINS=http://localhost:8080
docker run -i --network="host" -e KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_URLS=${KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_URLS} -e STREAM_URL=${STREAM_URL} -e CORS_ORIGINS=${CORS_ORIGINS} <<DOCKER_HUB_ID>>/quarkuscoffeeshop-counter:latest
docker images -a | grep web
docker tag <<RESULT>> <<DOCKER_HUB_ID>>/quarkuscoffeeshop-web:<<VERSION>>

Containerizing the application in Native Mode (OPTIONAL)

Quarkus can also compile your Java application into a native binary (you don't have to do this to run the app):

export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_URLS=localhost:9092 STREAM_URL=http://localhost:8080/dashboard/stream CORS_ORIGINS=http://localhost:8080
./mvnw clean package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native -t <<DOCKER_HUB_ID>>/quarkuscoffeeshop-web .
docker run -i --network="host" -e STREAM_URL=${STREAM_URL} -e CORS_ORIGINS=${CORS_ORIGINS} -e KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_URLS=${KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_URLS} <<DOCKER_ID>>/quarkuscoffeeshop-web:latest
docker images -a | grep web
docker tag <<RESULT>> <<DOCKER_HUB_ID>>/quarkus-cafe-web:<<VERSION>>