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high priority
high priority
High priority issue
knowledge-level: beginner
knowledge-level: beginner
This issue should be easy to fix. A good first issue to tackle
knowledge-level: expert
knowledge-level: expert
Requires a deep knowledge in QUEENS
minor: documentation
minor: documentation
Minor documentation change to circumvent the 24h rule
minor: quickfix
minor: quickfix
Minor quickfix to circumvent the 24h rule
minor: refactor
minor: refactor
Minor refactor to circumvent the 24h rule
status: blocked
status: blocked
Issue/PR is blocked by another issue or PR
status: in progress
status: in progress
Issue is actively being resolved
status: open
status: open
No solution for this issue has been provided
status: ready to implement
status: ready to implement
Solution for this issue is available but implementation is missing
topic: actions
topic: actions
Issue/PR realted to github actions
topic: cluster
topic: cluster
Issue/PR realted to cluster computations
topic: dask
topic: dask
Issue/PR related to dask
topic: data processor
topic: data processor
Issue/PR realted to the data processors
topic: distributions
topic: distributions
Issue/PR realted to the distributions
topic: documentation
topic: documentation
Issue/PR realted to the documentation
topic: driver
topic: driver
Issue/PR realted to the drivers
topic: iterator
topic: iterator
Issue/PR realted to the iterator(s)
topic: models
topic: models
Issue/PR realted to the models
topic: other
topic: other
Issue/PR that do not fit the topic: <type> labels
topic: scheduler
topic: scheduler
Issue/PR related to the schedulers
topic: testing
topic: testing
Issue/PR related to testing and pytest
topic: utils
topic: utils
Issue/PR related to the utils
topic: visualization
topic: visualization
Issue/PR realted to visualization
type: bug report
type: bug report
Issue/PR to highlight/fix a bug
type: clean code
type: clean code
Issue/PR realted to clean coding and pythonics
type: discussion
type: discussion
Issue to allow for discussion on a certain topic
type: performance
type: performance
Issue/PR realted to performance
type: software planning
type: software planning
Issue to discussion on implemetations and introduction of new features
type: usability
type: usability
Issue/PR to improve usability