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Simple ORM library for JAVA

(This document is a work in progress)



ezSQL is a tool that allows to write SQL in a static typed manner. It provides a rich SQL DSL and a configurable results mapper, that we can run against any driver that understands SQL and that returns a result set that allow us to get the column values by column position. Such is the case of JDBC or R2DBC.

Specialized mappers are provided to project results to arbitrary beans. To handle SQL, without hiding it, is the main goal of this tool. ORM features are just a bonus.

All the examples presented here are based in the JDBC version, the version that comes with the library

Some quick examples just to open the appetite.

Retrieve the query results into a list of beans.

List<Artist> artists = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

Return the result of a single column.

List<String> artistNames = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

Update without the use of beans.

    .set(TArtist.C_NAME, "Henri Matisse")

Main Features:

  • Static typed
  • CRUD actions using beans
  • Simple join declaration
  • Populate struct tree with query results containing joins
  • Subqueries
  • Result transformation
  • Result Pagination
  • Automatic setting of primary keys for inserts
  • Optimistic Locking with automatic version increment
  • Simple Object Relationship Mapping
  • Pre/Post insert/update/delete bean triggers
  • Database abstraction
  • Extensible


ezSQL was born out of the frustration of the "magic" of Hibernate. Also, writing HQL in plain text led to many mistakes and made refactoring difficult. (Nowadays there are tools that already solve this, like jOOQ, QueryDSL, to name a few) Another issue was the impossible task of serializing my entity beans without bringing along the entire database.


ezSQL main implementation is build on top of the class named SimpleJDBC. This class isolates the developer from the details of JDBC call, like statement creation, exception handling, parameters handling, etc

This class does not depend of ezSQL. The developer can use this class if it needs a low level control.


To execute the tests we need to install a database server and create the test tables. The tested databases are: H2, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

In the resource folder of the ezsql-orm project you can find properties files for how to connect to these databases. Use this properties as a guide on how to install these databases.


To use ezSQL we must need to know the database structure. It is not a static configuration, and we could use it in a dynamic schema (altered in runtime by adding tables, columns) with the proper supporting code. The common use is to define the database structure as exemplified in the following sections.

Entity Relation Diagram

The examples in the next chapter will use the tables that are defined according to the following ER diagram:

ER Diagram

Relationships explained:

  • One-to-Many: One ARTIST that can have many PAINTING's and one PAINTING has one ARTIST.
  • One-to-One: One PAINTING has one IMAGE and one IMAGE has one PAINTING.
  • Many-to-Many: One PAINTING can have many GALLERY's and one GALLERY can have many PAINTING's

Despite the previous explanation of relationships, they are declared in the same way. Think of them as paths to get from one table to another.

Table ARTIST definition

Definition of a table ARTIST and its columns, identifying key fields, version field, etc.

import java.util.Date;

import com.github.quintans.ezSQL.db.*;

public class TArtist {
    public static final Table T_ARTIST = new Table("ARTIST");

    public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_ARTIST
    public static final Column<Integer> C_VERSION = T_ARTIST
    public static final Column<String> C_NAME = T_ARTIST
    public static final Column<EGender> C_GENDER = T_ARTIST
    public static final Column<Date> C_BIRTHDAY = T_ARTIST
    public static final Column<Date> C_CREATION = T_ARTIST
    public static final Column<Date> C_MODIFICATION = T_ARTIST

    // audit table triggers
    static {
    	T_ARTIST.setPreInsertTrigger(new PreInsertTrigger() {
			public void trigger(Insert ins) {
	            ins.set(C_VERSION, 1);
	            ins.set(C_CREATION, new java.util.Date());

    	T_ARTIST.setPreUpdateTrigger(new PreUpdateTrigger() {
			public void trigger(Update upd) {
	            upd.set(C_MODIFICATION, new java.util.Date());

    // ONE artist has MANY paintings
    public final static Association A_PAINTINGS = T_ARTIST

For the table and columns a default alias is created, if none is supplied, based in the name. For example, an alias “firstName” will be created for a column or table named “FIRST_NAME”. Usually we can omit the alias definition.

Notice that the declaration of the relationship does not indicate if it is many-to-one, one-to-one, etc. Many-to-many declaration is almost the same as seen next.

Table PAINTING definition

Definition of a table PAINTING and its columns, identifying key fields, version field, etc

import com.github.quintans.ezSQL.db.*;
import static com.github.quintans.ezSQL.dml.Definition.*;

public class TPainting {
    public static final Table T_PAINTING = new Table("PAINTING");

    public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_PAINTING
    public static final Column<Integer> C_VERSION = T_PAINTING
    public static final Column<String> C_NAME = T_PAINTING
    public static final Column<Double> C_PRICE = T_PAINTING
    // FKs columns
    public static final Column<Long> C_ARTIST = T_PAINTING
    public static final Column<Long> C_IMAGE = T_PAINTING

    // MANY Paintings have ONE Artist
    public static final Association A_ARTIST = T_PAINTING

    // ONE Painting has ONE Artist
    public static final Association A_IMAGE = T_PAINTING

    // many to many
    // ONE painting has MANY galleries
    public static final Association A_GALLERIES = new Association(

Table IMAGE definition

Definition of a table IMAGE and its columns, identifying key fields, version field, etc

import com.github.quintans.ezSQL.db.Association;
import com.github.quintans.ezSQL.db.Column;
import com.github.quintans.ezSQL.db.Table;

public class TImage {
    public static final Table T_IMAGE = new Table("IMAGE");

    public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_IMAGE
    public static final Column<Integer> C_VERSION = T_IMAGE
    public static final Column<BinStore> C_CONTENT = T_IMAGE

    // ONE Image has ONE Painting
    public static final Association A_PAINTING = T_IMAGE

Table GALLERY definition

import com.github.quintans.ezSQL.db.*;
import static com.github.quintans.ezSQL.dml.Definition.*;

public class TGallery {
    public static final Table T_GALLERY = new Table("GALLERY");

    public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_GALLERY
    public static final Column<Integer> C_VERSION = T_GALLERY
    public static final Column<String> C_NAME = T_GALLERY
    public static final Column<String> C_ADRESS = T_GALLERY

    // intermediary table
    public static class GalleryPainting {
        public static final Table T_GALLERY_PAINTING = new Table("GALLERY_PAINTING");
        public static final Column<Long> C_PAINTING = T_GALLERY_PAINTING
        public static final Column<Long> C_GALLERY = T_GALLERY_PAINTING

    // many to many
    // ONE gallery has MANY paintings
    public static final Association A_PAINTINGS = new Association(

In this definition we see that we have an inner table definition. This definition represents the intermediary table for the many-to-many relationship between gallery and painting. It’s associations are used to define associations in TArtist(.A_PAINTINGS) and in TPainting(.A_GALLERIES). In the creation of the association TArtist.A_PAINTINGS and TPainting.A_GALLERIES the order of the parameters is very important, because they indicate the direction of the association.


Beside the following examples you should also inspect the ezsql-orm/src/java/test/ folder for a lot more examples.


All examples also import the following:

import static com.github.quintans.ezSQL.dml.Definition.*;

Some examples will use the following enumeration EGender:

import com.github.quintans.ezSQL.common.api.Value;

public enum EGender implements Value<String> {

	private String value;

	private EGender(String value) {
		this.value = value;

	public String value() {
		return this.value;

Enum must implements the interface Value<T>. The value persisted in the Database will be the value returned by the value() method.


In every example there is an TransactionManager, for the transactions, that passes a db object that is used to create the CRUD operations. This object extend the abstract class AbstractDb that is nothing more than a wrapper over a connection.

public class Config {
  public static final TransactionManager<Db> TM = new TransactionManager<Db>(
    () -> dataSource.getConnection(),
    c -> new Db(c, driver)
public class Service {
  public void doStuff() {
    Config.TM.transaction(db -> {
      List<Employee> employees = repository.listAll(db);
      // ...
public class Repository {  
  public List<Employee> listAll(Db db) {
    return db.query(TEmployee.T_EMPLOYEE).all().list(Employee.class);

For Spring we let it handle the transactions and we just need to implement an AbstractDb that returns the connection in context.

So we would have to create the following beans

public class BeansConfig {
        private Environment env;
        @Bean(destroyMethod = "close")
        public DataSource dataSource() throws ClassNotFoundException {
            org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource dataSource = new org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource();
            // set dataSource properties
            return dataSource;        
        public Db db(DataSource ds) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
            Driver driver = (Driver) Class.forName(env.getProperty("ezSQL.driver")).newInstance();
            return new Db(ds, driver);           

where the Db class would look like

public class Db extends AbstractDb {

	private DataSource dataSource;

	public Db(DataSource dataSource, Driver driver) {
		this.dataSource = dataSource;

	public Connection getConnection() {
		 * If an existing transaction exists, and already has a connection
		 * synchronized (linked) to it, that instance will be returned.
		 * Otherwise, the method call will trigger the creation of a new
		 * connection, which will be (optionally) synchronized to any existing
		 * transaction, and made available for subsequent reuse in that same
		 * transaction.

		return DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSource);


and then you can use it in your repositories like this.

public class UserRepositoryImpl implements UserRepository {
    private Db db;
    public List<Artist> findAll() {
        return db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).list(Artist.class);


If a bean implements com.github.quintans.ezSQL.common.api.Updatable, the DML operations will only use the properties that were change. In the examples the used beans extend from that has this implementation.


Simple insert

	.set(TArtist.C_ID, 4L)
	.set(TArtist.C_VERSION, 1L)
	.set(TArtist.C_GENDER, EGender.MALE)
	.set(TArtist.C_NAME, "matisse")

For multiples inserts we could use a less verbose approach as shown in the following example. Internally it is the same as the previous example.

Insert insert = db.insert(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

insert.values(4L, 1L, EGender.MALE, "matisse", new Date()).execute();
insert.values(5L, 1L, EGender.FEMALE, "Jane DOE", null).execute();

If we are working with beans then we can use the following example:

Insert insert = db.insert(TArtist.T_ARTIST);

Artist artist = new Artist();
artist.setName("John Mnomonic");

artist = new Artist();
artist.setName("Jane Mnomonic");

Each bean property is matched with the corresponding Column alias. If version has to be taken in consideration then we should use the following (this is not as efficient as the previous example):


The use of db.insert instead of using a new instance of Insert is preferred because this way we have a single point where we can use prepare further the Insert, for example, setting default parameters like language.

One disadvantage of the bean approach is that all columns are used in the insert if the bean does not implement the Updatable interface strategy. For big tables this can represent a performance problem.

Insert LOB example

To insert a LOB we can use a BinStore or byte[]. The use of byte[] is preferred when using beans. For large binaries, for example a file, we should use BinStore, since it stores its content in disk after a certain size.

BinStore bs = new BinStore();
bs.set(new File("StarryNight.jpg"));

We can then insert using one of the examples described in Simple insert.

	.set(TImage.C_ID, 1L)
	.set(TArtist.C_VERSION, 1)
	.set(TImage.C_CONTENT, bs)

This type can be also used in a POJO declaration.

Using the type byte[] parameter is similar.

byte[] content = ... // loads image
ImageDTO image = new ImageDTO();

Generated Keys

If the driver supports getting generated keys, a map is returned with the generated values for the primary key columns when executing the insert.

Map<Column, Object> keys = db.insert(TImage.T_IMAGE)
		.set(TImage.C_ID, 1L)
		.set(TArtist.C_VERSION, 1)
		.set(TImage.C_CONTENT, bc)

If for performance reasons you do not want the retrieval of the keys you can use retriveKeys(false) before executing.

Batch Insert

When we have to make a lot of inserts, a more performant option, is to use batch insert.

To do batch inserts we use .batch() where we would use .execute() and terminate with .endBatch(), as demonstrated next.

insert.values(4L, 1L, EGender.MALE, "matisse", new Date()).batch();
insert.values(5L, 1L, EGender.FEMALE, "Jane DOE", null).batch();

We used the insert declaration in Simple insert.

To avoid the avoid the danger of depleting the memory resources, every time the number of pending commands reaches a threshold, the commands are sent to the database. You can change this threshold with insert.batchLimit(). You can also force this command flush by executing insert.flushBatch().

Batch insert have the advantage of executing all SQL commands against the database in one shot.






Simple update

	.set(TArtist.C_NAME, "Henri Matisse")

We use where to restrict the affected rows. If we use the beans, there is no need to use the where (it is handled internally).

Artist artist = ... // retrives a record
artist.setName("Jane Mnomonic");

The previous example only takes in consideration key values. If Version is to be taken in consideration (Optimistic Locking) the next example is more appropriated.


Update LOB example

BinStore bc = new BinStore();
bc.set(new File("TheGreenLine.jpg"));

Update update = db.update(TImage.T_IMAGE)
	.set(TImage.T_IMAGE, bc)


byte[] content = ... // loads image
Image image = ... // retrives a record

Batch Update

The same as Batch Insert but now for update.

Update update = db.update(TArtist.T_ARTIST);
update.set(TArtist.C_NAME, "Jane Doe")
update.set(TArtist.C_NAME, "John Doe")






Simple delete

Delete delete = db.delete(TArtist.T_ARTIST)
delete.setInteger("id", 3L);

With param we define a named parameter which is set before the execution of the delete. The use of param() must be accompanied by a setParameter()`. The preferred use should be setting directly the value. The param/setParameter pair should be used when we do now where the param is going to be placed. A good example is when an environment variable is set at the DML instantiation, but we do not know when and where is going to be used.

The same example but without the param/setParameter pair:


and another example using a bean:

Artist artist = ... // retrives a record

Batch Delete

The same as Batch Insert but now for delete.

Delete delete = db.delete(TArtist.T_ARTIST);






In this section I will show the use of several ways of executing a query. There are two ways of processing the results of a query. We can dump the result of a query over an arbitrary tree of beans (relying heavily in reflection) or we can process directly the result set. For the following examples I will introduce the domain class Artist and it’s child Painting.

Domain classes

public class Artist extends BaseDomain<Long> {
	private String name;
	private Set<Painting> paintings;
	private EGender gender;
	private Date birthday;
	// omitted setters and getters

public class Painting extends BaseDomain<Long> {
	private String name;
	private Double price;
	private Artist artist;
	private Long artistId;
	private Image image;
	private Long imageFk;
	private Set<Gallery> galleries;
	// omitted setters and getters

public class Gallery extends BaseDomain<Long> {
	private String name;
	private String address;
	private Set<Painting> paintings;
	// omitted setters and getters

The BaseDomain class contains version and extends IdentityDomain class that contains id, the default object implementation for equals, hashCode and the implementation of Updatable.

Simple Query

Ex: Query table Artist, returning the result as list of Artist objects, with the paintings under the respective artist.

List<Artist> artists = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).all()

The method all() includes all columns of the main table. If no main table column is declared all columns of the main table are included automatically. The method inner() defines an inner join with the table at the end of the association, and fetch() includes all columns from the table targeted by the association.

The methods inner and outer are used to declare association branches that start at the driving table. The method fetch and join are used to mark the end of a branch and the start of a new one. Until the end of a branch, the use of inner and outer adds associations to the ongoing branch.

As seen in the introduction, we can also return the result of a single column.

List<String> artistNames = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

Result Transformer example

The previous example can be executed in a different way if we wanted to avoid reflection.

Query query = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

List<Artist> values = query.list(record -> {
    Artist dto = new Artist();
    dto.setGender(record.get(3, EGender.class));
    return dto;

The order for which we get the values from the ResultSet depends of the order for which columns were added to the query, starting at the position 1.

Processor example

If we want just to process the result lines as they arrive.

Query query = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)
  r -> System.out.println("id:" + r.getInteger(1) + ", name:" + r.getString(2))

Bean Results

The complexity of the previous example can be hidden using special Transformers that use reflection to get the Job done. These transformers are not usually exposed to the programmer. Performance wise it is roughly 5% slower than the previous examples.

Ex: Query table Artist, returning the result as a list of Artist objects.

List<Artist> values = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).list(Artist.class);

The same as in the previous section for the retrieval of a tree of objects we would use

List<Artist> artists = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

This execution matches the column alias, (see the TArtist definition) with the same bean property name.

Ex: TArtist.C_NAME has the default alias "name" which matches the same bean property "name".

Column Subquery

For this example we will use the following bean ArtistValueDTO which will hold the result for each row. As we can see, we can use any bean.

public class ArtistValueDTO {
	private String name;
	private Double value;
	// omitted setters and getters

Ex: get the name of the artist and the number of paintings (using a subquery to count), returning the result as collection of ArtistValueDTO objects.

Query subquery = db.query(TPainting.T_PAINTING).as("p")

List<ArtistValueDTO> values = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).as("a")

Notice that where subquery is applied is defined an alias with the value "value". This alias matches with a bean property in ArtistValueDTO. In this query the TArtist.C_NAME column as no associated alias, so the default column alias is used. To avoid collisions between generated alias in the SQL an alias is set for each table ("p" for TPainting.T_PAINTING and "a" for TArtist.T_ARTIST).

Where Subquery

Ex: get the name of the artist and the price of the painting, where the price is greater or equal than 100 (using a subquery in the where to filter), returning the result as collection of ArtistValueDTO objects.

Query subquery = db.query(TPainting.T_PAINTING)

List<ArtistValueDTO> values = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

Inner join

The function innerJoin (or inner(...).join()) is the same as a SQL inner join and the function on() is used to indicate the constraints for the last join, applied to the last table of the join. If on() is used it must be before the join (or fetch).

Ex: list all Paintings from Pablo Picasso (id = 1)

List<Painting> values = db.query(TPainting.T_PAINTING)

We could use any number of joins if we wished for, not forgetting that the function on is applied to the last association. We could do something like:

Query query = db.query(TPainting.T_PAINTING)

This would list all paintings whose artist has id equal to 1 and the gallery name ends with “AZUL”. Notice that we include TPainting.A_GALLERIES is over a many-to-many relationship.

This is the power of ezSQL, the simplicity that one can represent the joins between tables.

Outer join

The method outerJoin (or outer(...).join()), as the name indicates, executes a (left) outer join with the table(s) targeted by the association(s).

Ex: list all names of Artists and the price of each painting, even if the Artist doesn’t have paintings.

List<ArtistValueDTO> values = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)

The method include adds a column belonging to the end of an association declaration (inner/outer).

Outer Fetch

This method executes an (left) outer join and includes ALL columns of the participating tables in the join.

Ex: retrieve all the artists, their paintings, and it’s galleries in a tree off objects.

List<Artist> artists = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)
		.outerFetch(TArtist.A_PAINTINGS, TPainting.A_GALLERIES)
		.list(Artist.class, true);


// this composition with multiple outer’s can be usefull
// if the addition of TPainting.A_GALLERIES is conditional
List<Artist> artists = db. query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)
		.list(Artist.class, true);

As you can see by the SQL, the query executes a left outer join between the table ARTIST, the table PAINTING and the table GALLERY retrieving all Artists, even if they don’t have paintings and all Paintings even if they don’t have an associated Gallery.

This is achieved by representing the branching from the table Artist to the table Gallery, using TArtist.A_PAINTINGS representing the branch from Artist to Painting and TPainting.A_GALLERIES representing the branch from Painting to Gallery.

One can use any number of outerFetch and they can even overlap. The last parameter, true, says that the results will come as a tree of objects with no repeating objects. If it were false, we would still have a tree of objects, but the number of results would be the number of rows of Artist times the number of rows of Painting times the number of rows of Gallery. If an Artist had 2 paintings we would have 2 instances of Artist, each one with one and just one instance of Painting. This is useful if we want to show the result in a tabular manner, having absolute control on the displayed number of rows.

Inner Fetch

This method executes an inner outer join and includes ALL columns of the participating tables in the join.

Query query = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).innerFetch(TArtist.A_PAINTINGS);
Collection<Artist> artists = query.list(Artist.class);

This query has the same behavior as the previous one, except it uses the function innerFetch that executes a inner join between the table ARTIST and the table PAINTING, retrieving only the Artists that have paintings.


Query subquery = db.query(TPainting.T_PAINTING).as("p")

Collection<ArtistValueDTO> values = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).as("a")

Group By

Ex: list all Artists by name with the sum of the price of all their paintings.

Query query = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST)
Collection<ArtistValueDTO> values = query.list(ArtistValueDTO.class);

The number in the group by indicates the position of the column that we want to group by, starting at 1.

Order By

Ex: list all artists, ordering ascending by name

Query query = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).orderBy(TArtist.C_NAME.asc());
Collection<Artist> values =;

It’s possible to add more orders, and even to order by columns belonging to other tables.



Case Statement

In the following examples we will demonstrate how to declare a Simple CASE statement and a Searched CASE statement.

Simple CASE

Sum all paintings where the book named "Blue Nude" costs 10 and the others cost 20.

Long sale = db.query(TPainting.T_PAINTING)
			.when("Blue Nude").then(10)
			.otherwise(asIs(20)) // asIs(): value is written as is to the query
Searched CASE

Classify the cost of each painting.

public class Classification {
	private String name;
	private String category;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) { = name;

	public String getCategory() {
		return category;

	public void setCategory(String category) {
		this.category = category;
List<Classification> c = db.query(TPainting.T_PAINTING)
	.column(TPainting.C_NAME) // default maps to field name
		.when(TPainting.C_PRICE.range(200000D, 500000D)).then("normal")
	.as("category") // maps to field category


Ex: list all artists from the 10th to the 20th record, ordering ascending by name

Query query = db.query(TArtist.T_ARTIST).orderBy(TArtist.C_NAME.asc());
List<Artist> values = query.list(Artist.class);

Association Discriminator

It’s possible to declare any association between two tables even if there is no foreign key in the database between the two of them. If we add a column to act as discriminator, it is possible to create associations that have the same column(s) as the origin. With this we guarantee that we only have one of the associations is active.

I’ll try to explain with an example.

This is the table that has as column that will act as a foreign key.

public class TMain {
    public static final Table T_MAIN = new Table("TA");

    public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_MAIN.BIGINT("ID").AS("id").key(Long.class);
    public static final Column<String> C_TYPE = T_MAIN.VARCHAR("TIPO").AS("tipo");
    public static final Column<Long> C_FK = T_MAIN.BIGINT("FK").AS("fk");

    public static final String D_BE = "B"; // also used at the other side
	public static final Association A_BE = T_MAIN
            .WITH(TAa.C_TYPE, D_BE);

    public static final String D_CE = "C";  // also used at the other side
	public static final Association A_CE =  T_MAIN
            .WITH(TAa.C_TYPE, D_CE);

As you can see, the two associations have the same origin, C_FK, but point to different tables, TBe and TCe. This is possible as long you indicate the discriminator column, in this case C_TYPE, to differentiate them.

The remainder mappings are

public class TBe {
	public static final Table T_BE = new Table("TB").AS("be");

	public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_BE.BIGINT("ID").AS("id").key(Long.class);
	public static final Column<String> C_DSC = T_BE.VARCHAR("DSC").AS("dsc");

	public final static Association A_MAIN = T_BE
	        .WITH(TMain.C_TYPE, TMain.D_BE);

public class TCe {
	public static final Table meta = new Table("TC").AS("ce");

	public static final Column<Long> C_ID = meta.BIGINT("ID").key(Long.class);
	public static final Column<String> C_DSC = meta.VARCHAR("DSC");

	public final static Association A_MAIN = meta
            .WITH(TMain.C_TYPE, TMain.D_CE);


// inverse association

In the previous example a constant was used but we can use a parameter that depends on the environment,for example the language. Another case is if we would like to have different descriptions depending on the business client that accesses the data, for example, mobile or web.

Let’s use an internationalization example.

The tables:

ER Diagram

Table mappings:

Table with the authors

public class TAuthor extends Table {
	public static final TAuthor T_AUTHOR = new TAuthor();

	protected TAuthor() {

	public final Column<Long> C_ID = BIGINT("ID").key(Long.class);
	public final Column<Integer> C_VERSION = INTEGER("VERSION").version();
	public final Column<String> C_NAME = VARCHAR("NAME");

	// ONE author has MANY books
	public final Association A_BOOKS = ASSOCIATE(C_ID).TO(TBook.C_AUTHOR).AS("books");

Table with the books without the internationalizable columns, in this case the column name.

public class TBook {
	public static final Table T_BOOK = new Table("BOOK");

	public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_BOOK
	public static final Column<Integer> C_VERSION = T_BOOK
	public static final Column<Long> C_AUTHOR = T_BOOK
	public static final Column<Double> C_PRICE = T_BOOK

	// association with discriminator
	public final static Association A_I18N = T_BOOK
	        .WITH(TBook18.C_LANG, param(Db.LANG_PARAMETER));

	public final static Association A_AUTHOR = T_BOOK

Table with the book names, in different languages.

public class TBook18 {
	public static final Table T_BOOK18 = new Table("BOOK_I18N").AS("book18");

	public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_BOOK18.BIGINT("ID").key(Long.class);
	public static final Column<String> C_LANG = T_BOOK18.VARCHAR("LANG").key(Long.class);
	public static final Column<String> C_NAME = T_BOOK18.VARCHAR("NAME");

The entities:

public class Author extends BaseDomain<Long> {
	private String		name;
	private Set<Book>	books;
  // omitted setters and getters

public class Book extends BaseDomain<Long> {
    private Author author;
    private Double price;
    private Book18 i18n;
    // omitted setters and getters

public class Book18 extends IdentityDomain<Long> {
    private String lang;
    private String name;
    // omitted setters and getters

To avoid having to set the parameter lang every time we use the association, our custom Db class can override query, insert, update or delete and set at that moment the parameter.

Column Discriminator

It is possible to define a table that is only a subset of columns of the physical table. Imagine that we have a physical table named CATALOG that holds unrelated information, like gender types, eye color, etc. Instead of creating a query with a where filtering the type of records, we could map a table that automatically inserts a where clause whenever queried. This would also be the behavior for inserts, deletes and updates.

This is the table definition

public class TGender {
	public static final Table T_GENDER = new Table("CATALOG").AS("gender");

	public static final Column<Long> C_ID = T_GENDER
	 * Discriminators: enable us to give different meanings to the same table.
	 * ex: eye color, gender, ...
	public static final Column<String> C_TYPE = T_GENDER
	public static final Column<String> C_KEY = T_GENDER
	public static final Column<String> C_VALUE = T_GENDER

As seen in the definition, the column holding the discriminator is private, since direct access is not advised.

A query over this table is the same as any other.


An insert over this table definition will result in:

Insert insert = db.insert(TGender.T_GENDER).sets(TGender.C_KEY, TGender.C_VALUE);
insert.values("H", "Hermafrodite").execute();

An update over this table definition will result in:

Update update = db.update(TGender.T_GENDER)

A delete over this table definition will result in:


Custom Functions

ezSQL doesn’t have all possible functions of all the databases, but one can create quite easily our custom functions.

It’s only three steps:

  1. Extend pt.armis.ezSQL.dml.EFunction, to avoid name collisions, and in the new class add the new function identifier. Ex: IFNULL
  2. Create a function factory, as it’s done in pt.armis.ezSQL.dml.Definition. You can use previous created class.
  3. Extend our driver, override appendFunction to include our implementation, not forgetting to call super.appendFunction at the end.

The code would look like this...

public class FunctionExt extends EFunction {
  // step 1 - DECLARATIONS
  public static final String IFNULL = "IFNULL";

  // step 2 - FACTORIES
  public static Condition ifNull(Column column, Object value) {
    return new Condition(IFNULL, column, value);
// step 3 – in this example we use H2
public class H2DriverExt extends H2Driver {

  protected String appendFunction(Function function) {
    String op = function.getOperator();
      return ifNull(function);
    } else
      return super.appendFunction(function);

  public String ifNull(Function function) {
    Object[] o = function.getMembers();
    return String.format("IFNULL(%s, %s)",
		appendFunction((Function) o[0]), appendFunction((Function) o[1]));
// using custom functions
Query query = db.query(TArtist.meta)
		  .column(FunctionExt.ifNull(TArtist.C_NAME, "John Doe"));

Table Triggers

When we declare "triggers" at the table level, as seen in TArtist we assure that they are always executed independently if executed with beans or not. When using beans we can also implement PreInsert/PostInsert/... interfaces.

Stored Procedures

In order to call stored procedures we need to define the procedure in the java side. For this we create a DAO as follows.

class MyFunctionsDao {
	private SqlProcedure sysdate;
	private SqlProcedure mockUpdate;
	private SqlProcedure mockRead;

	public MyFunctionsDao(Db db) {
		// it's declared as a function because it has a parameter before the
		// function name
		this.sysdate = new SqlProcedure(db,
			OUT("return", Types.DATE), // return parameter
			"SYSDATE" // function name
		// it's declared as a procedure because it has no parameters before
		// the procedure name
		this.mockUpdate = new SqlProcedure(db,
			"MOCK_UPDATE", // procedure name
			IN("cod", Types.VARCHAR), // parameter
			IN("dsc", Types.VARCHAR) // parameter
		// it's declared as a function because it has a parameter before the
		// function name
		this.mockRead = new SqlProcedure(db,
			OUT("return", Types.VARCHAR), // return parameter
			"MOCK_READ", // function
			IN("cod", Types.VARCHAR) // parameter

	public Date getSysdate() {
		Map<String, Object> results =;
		return (Date) results.get("return");

	public void mockUpdate(String codigo, String descricao) {
		Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		map.put("cod", codigo);
		map.put("dsc", descricao);;

	public String mockRead(String codigo) {
		Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		map.put("cod", codigo);
		Map<String, Object> results =;
		return (String) results.get("return");

Now we can use the functions defined in MyFunctionsDao.

MyFunctionsDao spDao = new MyFunctionsDao(db);
Date date = spDao.getSysdate();

Could not be easier ;)

Take a look at SqlProcedure and to figure out how to call functions and procedures that accept parameters. It’s very straight forward.

All parameter are named parameters and it’s possible to define IN/OUT/IN OUT parameters and also OUT parameters for result sets (cursors).
