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Shraddha Kesari edited this page May 4, 2021 · 1 revision

How to Sync arrow with Malibu advanced in local —

  1. In arrow, run npm run rollup

  2. Then, in Malibu advanced add the below script in package.json under scripts. Not exact script, check for the path in your system and rewrite it. "copy-arrow": "rm -rf /Users/work/malibu-advanced/node_modules/@quintype/arrow && cp -r /Users/work/quintype-node-arrow/dist /Users/work/malibu-advanced/node_modules/@quintype/arrow"

  3. Add npm run copy-arrow to the run file

  4. And do ./run in Malibu advanced

Releasing a version:

For the beta version,

  1. Make your changes in a feature branch
  2. Commit and push it.
  3. Run ./publish

For the prod version,

  1. Merge your feature branch to the master branch.
  2. Go to the master branch.
  3. Run ./publish