Build efficient and reliable backend applications in WebAssembly.
Ice is a container for backend applications in WebAssembly.
WebAssembly, which is mainly used to build client-side Web applications, can also be used to build server-side applications. With a managed execution environment and the underlying JIT (wasm-core) based on LLVM, Ice is able to achieve a higher level of security (and additional safety for C/C++ applications), provide platform-independent high-level abstractions, and bring a few special features like dynamic inter-machine application migration and more accurate service monitoring.
It should be noted that Ice is not yet stable, lacking many features, may experience bugs / breaking changes and is not ready for production use yet.
Latest nightly Rust and LLVM 6 are required.
cargo build --release
First, create a root directory to place configurations & applications:
mkdir my_ice_root
cd my_ice_root
Then, create a config file config.yaml
in the root directory, whose format is defined in
- name: hello_world
path: ./apps/hello_world
Here we've specified an application named hello_world
located at ./apps/hello_world
, and the application will be automatically initialized when ice_core
is launched.
Now let's initialize the hello_world
mkdir apps
cd apps
cargo new --lib hello_world
cd hello_world
Add a [lib]
section and the runtime library ia
to the newly-created Cargo.toml
name = "hello_world"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
ia = "0.1"
And create another config.yaml
in the hello_world
directory, which is the application-level metadata definition (defined in
package_name: com.example.hello_world
bin: target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/hello_world.wasm
Write some code to print "Hello, world!" in src/
extern crate ia;
println!("Hello, world!");
Build it:
cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
cd back to my_ice_root and launch ice_core
ice_core config.yaml
and you should see your first hello_world
application running!
ia/examples contains a few examples that show how to do networking and build servers in Ice.
The WebAssembly VM has to do some necessary checks and translations to ensure things work correctly. Therefore, it is always a little slower than precompiled native binaries. However, the difference is quite small and normally doesn't become the performance bottleneck for real-world applications.
In addition, Ice Core is able to provide a few features that a native environment doesn't provide:
- Accurate permission control
- Run-time inter-machine application migration (in progress)
- Service monitoring and management (in progress)
- Get WebAssembly code running
- Provide native interfaces with permission control
- TCP networking
- Blocking file I/O
- Asynchronous file I/O
- UDP networking
- Built-in high-level abstraction for HTTP services
- Profiling & statistics
- Manager API & management script
- Runtime application migration across machines