T-Client - Edited by Tater
- Tater Client is a Client originally made by Tater.
- The Client exists because KoG did not update their servers for several months and Tater wanted cl_prediction_margin to work, over time it grew in features.
- It has a bunch of useful features like a bindwheel, Outlines for Tiles, Player indicators and more.
- Chillerbot-ux is one of, if not the first client to feature Chat Commands and a Warlist made by chillerbot
- Chillerbot has alot of features that dont fit in a client like DDNet.
- It's main features are the Warlist and the Chat Automation but it also offers features like Skin Stealer and.
- Special Client that's made for the InfClass Gamemode.
- It has it's own prediction for their gamemode and also uses their own assets (e.g. Custom HUD, Custom skin, etc)
- Aiodob Client is a client that is supposed to be a whacky open source version of cactus client made by qxdFox
- It has features copied from T-client and chillerbot to sort of make a public version of cactus.
- its main features are the same as T-Clients and Chillerbots, but also features like Freeze kill or Auto Kill.
- DDNet-Super Mario 64 is a client that features a whole new playable character: Mario, and is made by headshot2017.
- Mario is fully playable, even though it's bit hard to control in 2d since. The Client also features Soundtracks from SM64.
StA - Edited by StormAx
- StA is a Client made by StormAx, and been supported by melon. It's source code is on StormAxs Github.
- StA feautures Console Visual Customization, Tablist Customization, PlayerAssets (T-Client), a different version of Bindwheel and some more stuff.
- Duck-ddnet is a client by Ar1gin.
- It adds little visual features like a timer when you hook someone, icons above nameplates to show what abilities a tee has (e.g Jetpack), and Grenade and Laser Prediction
S-Client - Edited by Sedonya
- S-Client is a remarkable client focused on customization, created by Sedonya.
- It introduces a straightforward and effective wars list using the Friend/Foe system.
- It offers a multitude of customization options for chat, tab, and more.
- Despite being closed-source, its exceptional features make it a top choice.
Cactus Client - Edited by Денчик
- Cactus is a closed-source client originally made by Денчик to implement a chat-command-based Warlist system.
- The client introduces a variety of features to enhance gameplay, including tee trail, smooth animations, freeze kill and support for custom fonts.
- Comes with T-Client features built-in and mostly used among blockers because of the easy Warlist command system.
- Because it's closed source, the development process lacks transparency, which can be a cause of distrust for some people. Despite that, still being used by thousands of players.
- AllTheHax is an old DDNet client that is no longer in Development.
- It has a bunch of Features that almost no Client today has, for example: Lua API, Built-in IRC client to chat with other client users, ingame chat translator, crypted chat and a bunch more.
- The Client might be considered cheating, use it at your own risk.