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TODO When Creating a New Package (Repository)

Repository hySpc.skeleton is a package template ("skeleton") for r-hyperspec family packages.

When creating a new package (repository):

  • replace words SKELETON and hySpc.skeleton with the new package name in:
    • tests/testthat.R
    • tests/testthat/test_attached.R
    • other files
  • update DESCRIPTION:
    • title
    • description
    • the list of authors and contributors
    • license
    • other fields
  • update licensing information in
    • elswhere
  • update README:
    • update badges
    • update installation instructions (e.g., instead of devtools::install(build_vignettes = TRUE) the following code might be more appropriate if no vignettes are included devtools::install())
    • update other information, if needed.
  • create issue labels:
    • apply github labels (in github-helpers/),
    • delete github-helpers/
  • Code & Vignettes:
    • Be sure to review which describes the standard operating procedures for the r-hyperspec project.
    • Copy the code needed for this new package from the original hyperSpec files. Leave the old code untouched for now, as hyperSpec has to continue to operate.
    • Update the code and write new code as needed.
    • Update unit tests as needed.
    • Update examples as needed.
    • Build and check locally. Chase out the demons.
    • Create a new vignette for this package, starting from the relevant vignette in original hyperSpec. The support files are already present. If you don't want a vignette, delete the entire vignette folder.
    • Build and check locally again, fixing any remaining problems.
    • Create a pull request as described in
    • Rinse and repeat to reach perfection!
  • Workflows:
    • Update the branches in .github/workflows/drat--insert-package.yaml. Triggering branches are set to NONE in pkg-skeleton because we don't want pkg-skeleton to be deployed to the repo.
  • update this list of TODOs
  • Delete this TODO section.

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. CRAN status R-CMD-check Website (pkgdown) Codecov

R Package hySpc.skeleton

This package is still under construction. So this website is not fully updated yet.

R package hySpc.skeleton is a member of the r-hyperspec packages family, which ...


There are two versions of hySpc.skeleton online documentation:

a. for the released version of package,
b. for the development version of package.

The documentation of the other r-hyperspec family packages can be found at

Issues, Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Issues, bug reports and feature requests should go to an appopriate package's repository:

  • if related to this package, use this link;
  • if related to hyperSpec package, use this link.


Install from CRAN-like Repository

The recommended way to install the in-development version:

repos <- c("", getOption("repos"))
install.packages("hySpc.skeleton", repos = repos)

Install from GitHub

Install from GitHub (details)

You can install the in-development version of the package from GitHub too:

if (!require(remotes)) {install.packages("remotes")}

NOTE 1: Usually, "Windows" users need to download, install and properly configure Rtools (see these instructions) to make the code above work.

NOTE 2: This method will not install package's documentation (help pages and vignettes) into your computer. So you can either use the online documentation or build the package from source (see the next section).

Install from Source

Install from Source (details)
  1. From the hySpc.skeleton's GitHub repository:

    • If you use Git, git clone the branch of interest. You may need to fork it before cloning.
    • Or just chose the branch of interest (1 in Figure below), download a ZIP archive with the code (2, 3) and unzip it on your computer.
  2. Open the downloaded directory in RStudio (preferably, as an RStudio project).

    • The code below works correctly only if your current working directory coincides with the root of the repository, i.e., if it is in the directory that contains file
    • If you open RStudio project correctly (e.g., by clicking project.Rproj icon image in the directory), then the working directory is set correctly by default.
  3. In RStudio 'Console' window, run the code (provided below) to: a. Install packages remotes and devtools. b. Install hySpc.skeleton's dependencies. c. Create hySpc.skeleton's documentation. d. Install package hySpc.skeleton.

# Do not abort installation even if some packages are not available

# Install packages remotes and devtools
install.packages(c("remotes", "devtools"))

# Install hySpc.skeleton's dependencies
remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE)

# Create hySpc.skeleton's documentation

# Install package hySpc.skeleton
devtools::install(build_vignettes = TRUE)

NOTE 1: Usually, "Windows" users need to download, install and properly configure Rtools (see these instructions) to make the code above work.

For Developers

Developers can find information about automatic deployment from this repo to pkg-repo here in


Spike removal algortithms for Raman spectra







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