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Releases: r-lib/vctrs

vctrs 0.6.5

04 Dec 13:44
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  • Internal changes requested by CRAN around C level format strings (#1896).

  • Fixed tests related to changes to dim<-() in R-devel (#1889).

vctrs 0.6.4

13 Oct 13:09
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  • Fixed a performance issue with vec_c() and ALTREP vectors (in particular,
    the new ALTREP list vectors in R-devel) (#1884).

  • Fixed an issue with complex vector tests related to changes in R-devel

  • Added a class to the vec_locate_matches() error that is thrown when an
    overflow would otherwise occur (#1845).

  • Fixed an issue with vec_rank() and 0-column data frames (#1863).

vctrs 0.6.3

15 Jun 14:28
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  • Fixed an issue where certain ALTREP row names were being materialized when
    passed to new_data_frame(). We've fixed this by removing a safeguard in
    new_data_frame() that performed a compatibility check when both n and
    row.names were provided. Because this is a low level function designed for
    performance, it is up to the caller to ensure these inputs are compatible

  • Fixed an issue where vec_set_*() used with data frames could accidentally
    return an object with the type of the proxy rather than the type of the
    original inputs (#1837).

  • Fixed a rare vec_locate_matches() bug that could occur when using a max/min
    filter (tidyverse/dplyr#6835).

vctrs 0.6.2

19 Apr 20:01
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  • Fixed conditional S3 registration to avoid a CRAN check NOTE that appears in
    R >=4.3.0 (#1832).

  • Fixed tests to maintain compatibility with the next version of waldo (#1829).

vctrs 0.6.1

22 Mar 15:01
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  • Fixed a test related to c.sfc() changes in sf 1.0-10 (#1817).

vctrs 0.6.0

16 Mar 13:03
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  • New vec_run_sizes() for computing the size of each run within a vector. It
    is identical to the times column from vec_unrep(), but is faster if you
    don't need the run key (#1210).

  • New sizes argument to vec_chop() which allows you to partition a vector
    using an integer vector describing the size of each expected slice. It is
    particularly useful in combination with vec_run_sizes() and list_sizes()
    (#1210, #1598).

  • New obj_is_vector(), obj_check_vector(), and vec_check_size() validation
    helpers. We believe these are a better approach to vector validation than
    vec_assert() and vec_is(), which have been marked as questioning because
    the semantics of their ptype arguments are hard to define and can often be
    replaced by vec_cast() or a type predicate function like
    rlang::is_logical() (#1784).

  • vec_is_list() and vec_check_list() have been renamed to obj_is_list()
    and obj_check_list(), in line with the new obj_is_vector() helper. The
    old functions have been silently deprecated, but an official deprecation
    process will start in the next vctrs release (#1803).

  • vec_locate_matches() gains a new relationship argument that holistically
    handles multiple matches between needles and haystack. In particular,
    relationship = "many-to-one" replaces multiple = "error" and
    multiple = "warning", which have been removed from the documentation and
    silently soft-deprecated. Official deprecation for those options will start in
    a future release (#1791).

  • vec_locate_matches() has changed its default needles_arg and
    haystack_arg values from "" to "needles" and "haystack", respectively.
    This generally generates more informative error messages (#1792).

  • vec_chop() has gained empty ... between x and the optional indices
    argument. For backwards compatibility, supplying vec_chop(x, indices)
    without naming indices still silently works, but will be deprecated in a
    future release (#1813).

  • vec_slice() has gained an error_call argument (#1785).

  • The numeric_version type from base R is now better supported in equality,
    comparison, and order based operations (tidyverse/dplyr#6680).

  • R >=3.5.0 is now explicitly required. This is in line with the tidyverse
    policy of supporting the 5 most recent versions of

vctrs 0.5.2

23 Jan 13:50
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  • New vec_expand_grid(), which is a lower level helper that is similar to
    tidyr::expand_grid() (#1325).

  • New vec_set_intersect(), vec_set_difference(), vec_set_union(), and
    vec_set_symmetric_difference() which compute set operations like
    intersect(), setdiff(), and union(), but the vctrs variants don't strip
    attributes and work with data frames (#1755, #1765).

  • vec_identify_runs() is now faster when used with data frames (#1684).

  • The maximum load factor of the internal dictionary was reduced from 77% to
    50%, which improves performance of functions like vec_match(),
    vec_set_intersect(), and vec_unique() in some cases (#1760).

  • Fixed a bug with the internal vec_order_radix() function related to matrix
    columns (#1753).

vctrs 0.5.1

16 Nov 15:44
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  • Fix for CRAN checks.

vctrs 0.5.0

24 Oct 11:24
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  • vctrs is now compliant with -Wstrict-prototypes as requested by CRAN

  • vec_ptype2() now consistently falls back to bare data frame in
    case of incompatible data frame subclasses. This is part of a
    general move towards relaxed coercion rules.

  • Common type and cast errors now inherit from "vctrs_error_ptype2"
    and "vctrs_error_cast" respectively. They are still both
    subclasses from "vctrs_error_incompatible_type" (which used to be
    their most specific class and is now a parent class).

  • New list_all_size() and list_check_all_size() to quickly determine if a
    list contains elements of a particular size (#1582).

  • list_unchop() has gained empty ... to force optional arguments to be
    named (#1715).

  • vec_rep_each(times = 0) now works correctly with logical vectors that are
    considered unspecified and with named vectors (#1673).

  • list_of() was relaxed to make it easier to combine. It is now
    coercible with list() (#1161). When incompatible list_of() types
    are combined, the result is now a bare list().

    Following this change, the role of list_of() is mainly to carry
    type information for potential optimisations, rather than to
    guarantee a certain type throughout an analysis.

  • validate_list_of() has been removed. It hasn't proven to be practically
    useful, and isn't used by any packages on CRAN (#1697).

  • Directed calls to vec_c(), like vec_c(.ptype = <type>), now mention the
    position of the problematic argument when there are cast errors (#1690).

  • list_unchop() no longer drops names in some cases when indices were
    supplied (#1689).

  • "unique_quiet" and "universal_quiet" are newly accepted by
    vec_as_names(repair =) and vec_names2(repair =). These options exist to
    help users who call these functions indirectly, via another function which
    only exposes repair but not quiet. Specifying repair = "unique_quiet" is
    like specifying repair = "unique", quiet = TRUE. When the "*_quiet"
    options are used, any setting of quiet is silently overridden (@jennybc,

    "unique_quiet" and "universal_quiet" are also newly accepted for the name
    repair argument of several other functions that do not expose a quiet
    argument: data_frame(), df_list(), vec_c(), list_unchop(),
    vec_interleave(), vec_rbind(), and vec_cbind() (@jennybc, #1716).

  • list_unchop() has gained error_call and error_arg arguments (#1641,

  • vec_c() has gained .error_call and .error_arg arguments (#1641, #1692).

  • Improved the performance of list-of common type methods (#1686, #875).

  • The list-of method for as_list_of() now places the optional .ptype
    argument after the ... (#1686).

  • vec_rbind() now applies base::c() fallback recursively within
    packed df-cols (#1331, #1462, #1640).

  • vec_c(), vec_unchop(), and vec_rbind() now proxy and restore
    recursively (#1107). This prevents vec_restore() from being called
    with partially filled vectors and improves performance (#1217,

  • New vec_any_missing() for quickly determining if a vector has any missing
    values (#1672).

  • vec_equal_na() has been renamed to vec_detect_missing() to align better
    with vctrs naming conventions. vec_equal_na() will stick around for a few
    minor versions, but has been formally soft-deprecated (#1672).

  • vec_c(outer = c(inner = 1)) now produces correct error messages (#522).

  • If a data frame is returned as the proxy from vec_proxy_equal(),
    vec_proxy_compare(), or vec_proxy_order(), then the corresponding proxy
    function is now automatically applied recursively along all of the columns.
    Additionally, packed data frame columns will be unpacked, and 1 column data
    frames will be unwrapped. This ensures that the simplest possible types are
    provided to the native C algorithms, improving both correctness and
    performance (#1664).

  • When used with record vectors, vec_proxy_compare() and vec_proxy_order()
    now call the correct proxy function while recursing over the fields (#1664).

  • The experimental function vec_list_cast() has been removed from
    the package (#1382).

  • Native classes like dates and datetimes now accept dimensions (#1290, #1329).

  • vec_compare() now throws a more informative error when attempting to compare
    complex vectors (#1655).

  • vec_rep() and friends gain error_call, x_arg, and times_arg
    arguments so they can be embedded in frontends (#1303).

  • Record vectors now fail as expected when indexed along dimensions
    greater than 1 (#1295).

  • vec_order() and vec_sort() now have ... between the required and
    optional arguments to make them easier to extend (#1647).

  • S3 vignette was extended to show how to make the polynomial class
    atomic instead of a list (#1030).

  • The experimental n argument of vec_restore() has been
    removed. It was only used to inform on the size of data frames in
    case a bare list is restored. It is now expected that bare lists be
    initialised to data frame so that the size is carried through row
    attributes. This makes the generic simpler and fixes some
    performance issues (#650).

  • The anyNA() method for vctrs_vctr (and thus vctrs_list_of) now
    supports the recursive argument (#1278).

  • vec_as_location() and num_as_location() have gained a missing = "remove"
    option (#1595).

  • vec_as_location() no longer matches NA_character_ and "" indices if
    those invalid names appear in names (#1489).

  • vec_unchop() has been renamed to list_unchop() to better indicate that it
    requires list input. vec_unchop() will stick around for a few minor
    versions, but has been formally soft-deprecated (#1209).

  • Lossy cast errors during scalar subscript validation now have the
    correct message (#1606).

  • Fixed confusing error message with logical [[ subscripts (#1608).

  • New vec_rank() to compute various types of sample ranks (#1600).

  • num_as_location() now throws the right error when there are out-of-bounds
    negative values and oob = "extend" and negative = "ignore" are set
    (#1614, #1630).

  • num_as_location() now works correctly when a combination of zero = "error"
    and negative = "invert" are used (#1612).

  • data_frame() and df_list() have gained .error_call arguments (#1610).

  • vec_locate_matches() has gained an error_call argument (#1611).

  • "select" and "relocate" have been added as valid subscript actions to
    support tidyselect and dplyr (#1596).

  • num_as_location() has a new oob = "remove" argument to remove
    out-of-bounds locations (#1595).

  • vec_rbind() and vec_cbind() now have .error_call arguments (#1597).

  • df_list() has gained a new .unpack argument to optionally disable data
    frame unpacking (#1616).

  • vec_check_list(arg = "") now throws the correct error (#1604).

  • The difftime to difftime vec_cast() method now standardizes the internal
    storage type to double, catching potentially corrupt integer storage
    difftime vectors (#1602).

  • vec_as_location2() and vec_as_subscript2() more correctly utilize their
    call arguments (#1605).

  • vec_count(sort = "count") now uses a stable sorting method. This ensures
    that different keys with the same count are sorted in the order that they
    originally appeared in (#1588).

  • Lossy cast error conditions now show the correct message when
    conditionMessage() is called on them (#1592).

  • Fixed inconsistent reporting of conflicting inputs in
    vec_ptype_common() (#1570).

  • vec_ptype_abbr() and vec_ptype_full() now suffix 1d arrays
    with [1d].

  • vec_ptype_abbr() and vec_ptype_full() methods are no longer
    inherited (#1549).

  • vec_cast() now throws the correct error when attempting to cast a subclassed
    data frame to a non-data frame type (#1568).

  • vec_locate_matches() now uses a more conservative heuristic when taking the
    joint ordering proxy. This allows it to work correctly with sf's sfc vectors
    and the classes from the bignum package (#1558).

  • An sfc method for vec_proxy_order() was added to better support the sf
    package. These vectors are generally treated like list-columns even though
    they don't explicitly have a "list" class, and the vec_proxy_order()
    method now forwards to the list method to reflect that (#1558).

  • vec_proxy_compare() now works correctly for raw vectors wrapped in I().
    vec_proxy_order() now works correctly for raw and list vectors wrapped in
    I() (#1557).

vctrs 0.4.2

30 Sep 13:04
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  • HTML documentation fixes for CRAN checks.