This telegram bot will assist you on multiple tasks:
- Allows to ask any question related to your personal documents - just upload a file to the bot chat, it will do the rest.
- Allows to manage any device entity within your home-assistant instance.
- Allows to ask for movies suggestion based on the scraped data from your Netflix account.
- Allows to play a specific movie directly on your smart tv without touching any key on the remote control :)
The great feature behind this project is that it is extensible and every new tool added will automatically inherit a configuration wizard on the telegram bot.
It leverages LangChain and LangGraph.
- Conda (Required).
- OpenAI token (Required).
- Telegram Bot Token (Required).
- AWS S3 Bucket - Only needed for the document assistant.
- Home Assistant endpoint and bearer-token - Only needed for the HA assistant.
Create the configuration file called configuration.json
in the root project folder. Here's how it should look like:
"openai_api_key": "", /* required */
"region_name": "",
"aws_access_key_id": "",
"aws_secret_access_key": "",
"bucket_name": "",
"telegram_bot_token": "" /* required */
conda create -n telegram-document-bot python=3.9
conda activate telegram-document-bot
pip install -r requirements.txt
As of today these tools are built-in:
- Document assistant
- Home-Assistant tool
- DuckDuckGo tool
- GoogleSearch tool
- Netflix tool
The application can be extended with any standard or custom tool. The bot is already built to allow to manage them through the telegram bot:
- Dynamic configuration (parameters are exposed to the chat in a "wizard" format)
- Enabling/Disabling a specific Tool
- Check the current Tools status
Document store:
- Once you upload a document to the telegram bot the file is uploaded to an S3 bucket
- It uses AWS Textract to convert the content to a readable format
- For each document it finds out possible questions and a summary (documents are then stored into ChromaDB)
- Each question and summary will be associated to the original document
Queries on uploaded documents:
- Every time a question is asked, it searches in the document assistant tool
- the tool creates a set of possible questions related to the main user question
- They are searched by using the similarity search to the stored questions and summaries
- the result is then provided to openai and then back to the user
- MultiQuery: every time the user asks a question, it tries to create more related to the passed context
- MultiVector: to improve the results, each doc is associated to possible questions (Hypothetical Queries) and a summary
- ConversationBufferWindowMemory: a window of the three last messages is kept in memory
- Collection by user: every user will have a separate collection in Chroma
This tool allows to extract the entities from Home Assistant, store their information in a vectorstore and query them through the Home Assistant API The main features are:
- Entities status
- Manage entities Which means you can ask any question like:
- Is kitchen light turned on?
- Could you please turn off all lights?
- Is Gianmarco at home?
- Every time a question related to home-assistant devices is asked it first finds out the entity_id and the available operations from the vectorstore
- It creates a set of possible questions related to the user question
- it applies the similarity search to the stored entities to find the related ones
- Once all entity IDs are known it can get the status directly from Home Assistant or set the requested status
As of today the netflix tool works only if the netflix.json
file is present in the root folder. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to fully integrate the scraper within the bot.
In order to make it working you should first produce this file by running the application located in the ./scraper
- Containerize it
- Fully integrate the Netflix scraper
- Documents size check
- Documents type check
- Merge and combine the databases
- Costs estimation
- Home Assistant allow delayed operation