Putting the services to work is very easy, you just need to run this command docker-compose up -d --build
in the root folder of the project.
Watch out! Before running everything make sure that ports 3306, 5672, 15672, 8080, 8081, 8083, 8089 and 9090 are free on your computer.
A code snippet that sends e-mail in the** ordering-fulfilment** service was commented, because you need to add your password and e-mail configured from the SendGrid service, if you want to modify it just add the information in the environment variables of the service:
In the root folder of the project there is a postman file with some project routes.
The service has OAuth2 authentication, therefore, before making a new request, make sure that you have authenticated and are passing the Token bearer
in the request.
by Israel Vieira 👋 Contact me by Linkedin!