Hidro-db is a platform that manages mainly water wells, but also other assets that compose water distribution systems, of county-wide sanitization companies. This application was designed as a solution to day-to-day problems of data gathering, organization, and sharing inside a water distribution company.
The platform is composed of a PostgreSQL database for data persistence, a Hasura server to provide fully customizable and automated GraphQl endpoint, a Node.js server to serve some custom logic like authentication and authorization, or any other specific needs, and a React front-end app to provide an accessible web interface that allows users, employees, and decision-makers to easily visualize data.
It's a instance of a PostgreSQL v9+ with a PostGIS extension installed. I will provide in the future a organized SQL start file to compose the database in a new enviroment.
This are some exterions required for the database to run
- postgis:
- postgresql-9.6-postgis-3
- postgresql-9.6-postgis-3-dbgsym
- postgresql-9.6-postgis-3-scripts
- uuid-ossp:
After plugins installment, the tables, relations and data can be inputed on the database.
You can add the database a running server on your localmachine, a specified cloud SQL provider or a Docker container.
Before compose the application with docker-compose up
, you must run npm install
on server folder and then build the Dockerfile image inside that folder.
Inside the docker-compose file it must be modified some enviroment variables to
HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/hidro_db_dev
The JWT key must be equal on Node.ks and Hasura env variables
Make sure your docker is allowed to mount the directory C:/.../hidro-db/...
The web interface that provides a accesible way to users to visualize and edit the data was build in React. Anothers tools used were D3.js and Leaflet
To run the client application you must type:
npm install
If you're using Node.JS 16+, you must run npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm start
This is a ongoing project and updates will be placed here