Cake Wallet [
] - The open source, noncustodial multi-currency wallet.
CakePay [
] - The marketplace & API service to purchase gift cards and related products for use worldwide using Bitcoin, Monero & altcoins via a Trocador exchange integration. [
] - News, charts & Monero block explorer.
bitcoin_base [
] A versatile library for Bitcoin, and Bitcoin based cryptocurrencies, with added features and support for the Bitcoin Silent Payments (BIP-0352) protocol, and Litecoin MWEB.
romanz-electrs [
] - An efficient re-implementation of Electrum Server in Rust, with support for the Bitcoin Silent Payments (BIP-0352) protocol.
blockstream-electrs [
] - A block chain index engine and HTTP API written in Rust based on romanz/electrs, with support for the Bitcoin Silent Payments (BIP-0352) protocol.
mempool-electrs [
] - A block chain index engine and HTTP API written in Rust based on romanz/electrs and Blockstream/electrs, with support for the Bitcoin Silent Payments (BIP-0352) protocol.
moStard [
] - A sandbox for exploring nostr, with Monero support.
nerostr [
] - nostr paid relay, but with monero
oro [
] - Elixir package to interact with the Monero RPC API
waybilling [
] - Monero payment processor, BTCPayServer alternative [in progress]
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