Train an RL agent in a simulator known as DonkeyCar optimized using an autoencoder for faster training.
- Simulator: Download the simulator from here to set up connection with the libraries and the client.
# Extract the folder and run
chmod +x DonkeySimLinux/donkey_sim.x86_64
# Now to launch the simulator just run
- Conda Environment: Skip the first two lines if you have already installed conda.
# Download anaxonda3
curl -O
# Install anaconda3 (follow the on-screen instructions)
bash ./
# Create new environment named 'donkey' with necessary specifications
conda create -n donkey python=3.8
conda activate donkey
conda install pytorch=1.11.0 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge gym=0.21.0 seaborn=0.11.2 pyyaml=5.4.1 opencv=4.5.5
pip install stable-baselines3==1.5.0 sb3-contrib==1.5.0 optuna==2.10.0 optuna[stable-baselines3] pyzmq==22.3.0 pygame==2.1.2 imgaug==0.4.0 joblib==1.1.0 tensorboard==2.8.0 protobuf==3.20.0 ipython==7.31.0 pillow==10.3.0
cd Autoencoder
pip install -e .
# if gym_donkeycar is not installed still, install using
pip install git+
- Auto Encoder: Code is given below to collect data for auto encoder and to train it.
# Go to the folder
cd Autoencoder
# To collect data, run this and drive around using keys in the simulator for two laps without hitting any edge and resetting the environment
python -f logs/dataset-mountain -n 10000
# To train the autoencoder using the data collected
python -m ae.train_ae --n-epochs 500 --batch-size 8 --z-size 32 -f logs/dataset-mountain/ --verbose 1
# To continue the training (use the best version till then in logs folder)
python -m ae.train_ae --n-epochs 500 --batch-size 8 --z-size 32 -f logs/dataset-mountain/ --verbose 1 -ae logs/<your_best>.pkl
- Training: Code is given below to train the agent and analyse the statistics using tensorboard.
# Go to sb3 folder
cd Client
# Start training without tensorboard and modifying parameters
python --algo tqc --env donkey-mountain-track-v0 --eval-freq -1 --save-freq 25000
# Start training with tensorboard and modifying parameters
python --algo tqc --env donkey-mountain-track-v0 --eval-freq -1 --save-freq 25000 --save-replay-buffer -tb /tmp/sb3/ -params learning_starts:500
# Continue Training (Use the latest needed version in the command)
python --algo tqc --env donkey-mountain-track-v0 -i logs/tqc/<your_best>/ -n 25000 --eval-freq -1 --save-freq 25000 --save-replay-buffer -tb /tmp/sb3/ -params learning_starts:500
# Access Tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir /tmp/sb3/
- Errors: Few errors while training, if faced, below is a quick fix.
1. UnregisteredEnv
# If any import error(UnregisteredEnv) occurs with respect to environment copy contents from
# to (replace with your profile name)
# AE_PATH is not defined - depending on your shell add it to your path variables
# 1. fish
nano ~/.config/fish/
# Add the following line to the end of the file and save it
set -Ux AE_PATH "<full_path_to_best_pkl_trained_ae>"
# Save the content
source ~/.config/fish/
# 2. bash
nano ~/.bashrc
# Add the following line to the end of the file and save it
export PATH_NAME="<full_path_to_best_pkl_trained_ae>"
# Save the content
source ~/.bashrc