🧠 Welcome to the Quiz Application! This Django-based quiz platform allows users to participate in quizzes on various topics. Admins can create quizzes, set marks for each quiz, and users can answer questions with instant result updates through AJAX and Django APIs. The application also features user authentication.
Topic-Based Quizzes: Admins can create quizzes on different topics.
Instant Result Update: Users receive instant result updates with the help of AJAX and Django APIs.
User Authentication: Secure user authentication for a personalized experience.
Scoring System: Each quiz is assigned marks, providing users with a scoring system.
Explore the live demo of the Quiz Application here.
Sign in to access quizzes and start answering questions.
Choose a quiz, answer questions, and receive instant result updates.
To run this project locally for development purposes, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/rajatrawal/quiz-app-django.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd quiz-app-django
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run migrations:
python manage.py migrate
Create a superuser for admin access:
python manage.py createsuperuser
Start the development server:
python manage.py runserver
Open your web browser and explore the project locally at http://localhost:8000/.
Django: Backend framework for building robust web applications.
Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML for seamless result updates.
jQuery: Simplifies frontend interactions with the DOM.
Bootstrap: Frontend framework for responsive and attractive styling.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, have suggestions for improvement, or wish to add more features, please feel free to submit issues or pull requests on GitHub. Your contributions are valued! 🚀
Thank you for exploring the Quiz Application. Enjoy learning and testing your knowledge! 🌐