With further updates - This project is designed and developed with the help of -
- Udemy course (OmPrakash Chavan - Cucumber BDD Masterclass with Selenium WebDriver & Java) -
Learnings From Course.pdf
Framework features:
- Uses Domain objects
- Support multiple Runners - TestNG, JUnit, CLI
- Uses Dependency Injection Framework
- Supports parallel execution
- Uses API to setup the Application state
- Captures screenshot on Scenario Failure
- Supports command line execution using Maven
- Supports CI/CD integration
- mvn clean test (This will execute with default env (Stg) and browser (Edge))
- mvn clean test -Denv=INT -Dbrowser=firefox (his will execute with on Int and Firefox browser)
- mvn clean test -Denv=INT -Dbrowser=firefox -Dcucumber.filter.tags@smoke (This will execute with on Int and Firefox browser and scenarios tagged as smoke)