Martian Bistro
Welcome to Martian Bistro - a sustainable restaurant for Martians!
This project was created as a solution to the challenges facing restaurant operations in a Martian colony. One of the biggest challenges is the limited resources available, particularly the reliance on imported goods, which is not sustainable in the long run. Additionally, traditional restaurant operations require a significant amount of human labor, which can be scarce on a planet with limited human resources. Finally, the lack of a reliable payment system and the need for secure food delivery present additional obstacles.
- HOMEPAGE - The homepage of Martian Bistro contains an quick over look of the entire web application.
- MENU PAGE - We have named our menu as "Martian Menu" which gives you the entire list of food on the Mars.
- CART PAGE - It will show you all the selected food items added to the cart.
- PAYMENT PAGE - It will show u all the possible gateways for payment.
- QR/RECIPT - It will show the recipt ,payment id and qr code to take your food.
- PROFILE PAGE - It Will show your profile in our web-app.
- NOTIFICATION PAGE - It will show you the notification when your food gets ready.
- GALLERIA PAGE - It will show pictures of our restaurant ON MARS.
- TEAM PAGE - It will show all the members who has contributed towards this web-app.
Thanks for vieweing my project you can also have a look at it on Devfolio, have a nice day!