VERSION: 1.2.8
A minimalist Python library to manage VNX/Unity systems. This document lies in the source code and go with the release. Check different release branch/tag for matched documents.
You could use "pip" to install "storops".
$ pip install storops
Make sure naviseccli is installed if you want to manage VNX. Please contact with Dell/EMC support about installing the NaviCli-Linux rpm package.
- paramiko package
The paramiko is required if you need to manage the VNX file related resources. please follow install paramiko install paramiko.
There are two RPM packages in each release page. - python-storops-<version num>, install this if you only manage Unity systems. - python-storops-vnx-<version num>-x86_64, a virtual package depends on python-storops and NaviCli-Linux. Install this if you manage VNX systems or both.
You could download the rpm package from release download page, and install it via:
$ rpm -i <python-storops_file>
Please contact with Dell/EMC support about installing the NaviCli-Linux rpm package.
- Manage VNX System
- supported resources
- show system properties
- list installed features
- list/create/delete storage pools
- list/create/delete pool based LUN
- list/create/delete RAID groups
- list/create/delete snapshots
- list/create/delete storage groups
- list/create/delete consistency groups
- list/create/delete users
- list disks
- list ports
- list data mover/virtual data mover
- list NAS storage pool
- list/create/delete CIFS server
- list CIFS share
- list/create/delete file system
- list/create/delete file system snap
- list/create/delete NFS share
- show system domain information
- list hosts
- show system capacity
- supported feature/operations
- list/start/cancel migration sessions
- enable/disable LUN deduplication
- enable/disable LUN compression
- insert/delete disk simulation
- create/attach/detach mount points
- initiator and connection management
- create/delete mirror view
- create/delete DNS
- supported metrics
- VNXStorageProcessor
- read_iops/write_iops/total_iops: read/write/total IOPS
- read_mbps/write_mbps/total_mbps: read/write/total MBPS
- read_size_kb/write_size_kb: read/write size KB
- VNXLun
- read_iops/write_iops/total_iops: read/write/total IOPS
- read_iops_sp_a/write_iops_sp_b: read/write IOPS of SPA
- read_iops_sp_b/write_iops_sp_b: read/write IOPS of SPB
- read_mbps/write_mbps/total_mbps: read/write/total MBPS
- read_mbps_sp_a/write_mbps_sp_a: read/write MBPS of SPA
- read_mbps_sp_b/write_mbps_sp_b: read/write MBPS of SPB
- implicit_trespasses_ps/explicit_trespasses_ps: implicit/explicit trespasses per second
- implicit_trespasses_ps_sp_a/explicit_trespasses_ps_sp_a: implicit/explicit trespasses per second of SPA
- implicit_trespasses_ps_sp_b/explicit_trespasses_ps_sp_b: implicit/explicit trespasses per second of SPB
- utilization: utilization
- utilization_sp_a: utilization of SPA
- utilization_sp_b: utilization of SPB
- read_size_kb/write_size_kb: read/write size KB
- VNXDisk
- read_iops/write_iops/total_iops: read/write/total IOPS
- read_mbps/write_mbps/total_mbps: read/write/total MBPS
- utilization: utilization
- read_size_kb/write_size_kb: read/write size KB
- read_iops/write_iops/total_iops: read/write/total IOPS
- read_mbps/write_mbps/total_mbps: read/write/total MBPS
- read_size_kb/write_size_kb: read/write size KB
- VNXStorageGroup
- read_iops/write_iops/total_iops: read/write/total IOPS
- read_mbps/write_mbps/total_mbps: read/write/total MBPS
- read_size_kb/write_size_kb: read/write size KB
- VNXStoragePool
- read_iops/write_iops/total_iops: read/write/total IOPS
- read_mbps/write_mbps/total_mbps: read/write/total MBPS
- read_size_kb/write_size_kb: read/write size KB
- Manage Unity System
- supported resources
- show system properties
- show system capacity
- list/create/delete storage pools
- list/create/delete remote hosts
- list/create/delete host initiator
- list/create/delete luns
- list/create/delete file systems
- list/create/delete snapshots
- list/create/delete NAS servers
- list/create/delete CIFS servers
- list/create/delete CIFS shares
- list/create/delete NFS servers
- list/create/delete NFS shares
- list/create/delete DNS servers
- list ip ports
- list sas ports
- list/create/delete iSCSI portals
- list/create/delete link aggregations
- list/create/delete Consistency Groups
- list/create/modify/cancel move sessions
- list/create/delete metric real time query
- list metrics query result
- list disks
- list disk groups
- list/create/delete tenants
- list batteries
- list daes
- list fans
- list memory modules
- list management interfaces
- list power supplies
- list ssds
- list remote interfaces
- list/create/modify/verify/delete remote systems
- list/create/modify/delete replication interfaces
- list/create/modify/delete replication sessions
- failover/failback/pause/resume/sync replication sessions
- list/create/modify/delete block import sessions
- pause/resume/cutover/commit/cancel block import sessions
- discover migration objects
- list/create/modify/delete snapshot schedule
- supported feature/operations
- CIFS share access control
- NFS share access control
- Remote hosts access
- Persist historical metric data to csv files
- Upload license
- enable/disable LUN data reduction
- LUN migration
- LUN replication
- CG replication
- supported metrics
- UnitySystem
- read_iops
- write_iops
- total_iops
- read_byte_rate
- write_byte_rate
- total_byte_rate
- UnityDisk
- read_iops
- write_iops
- total_iops
- read_mbps
- write_mbps
- utilization
- response_time
- queue_length
- read_byte_rate
- write_byte_rate
- total_byte_rate
- UnityLun
- read_iops
- write_iops
- total_iops
- read_mbps
- write_mbps
- utilization
- response_time
- queue_length
- read_byte_rate
- write_byte_rate
- total_byte_rate
- UnityFileSystem
- read_iops
- write_iops
- read_mbps
- write_mbps
- UnityStorageProcessor
- net_in_mbps
- net_out_mbps
- block_read_iops
- block_write_iops
- block_total_iops
- block_read_mbps
- block_write_mbps
- cifs_read_iops
- cifs_write_iops
- cifs_read_mbps
- cifs_write_mbps
- nfs_read_iops
- nfs_write_iops
- nfs_read_mbps
- nfs_write_mbps
- utilization
- block_cache_read_hit_ratio
- block_cache_write_hit_ratio
- temperature
- core_count
- block_cache_dirty_size
- read_byte_rate
- write_byte_rate
- total_byte_rate
- fast_cache_read_hits
- fast_cache_write_hits
- fast_cache_read_hit_rate
- fast_cache_write_hit_rate
- UnityFcPort
- read_iops
- write_iops
- total_iops
- read_byte_rate
- write_byte_rate
- total_byte_rate
- UnityIscsiNode
- read_iops
- write_iops
- total_iops
- read_byte_rate
- write_byte_rate
- total_byte_rate
User may reference three kinds of classes directly. All of them are available under the storops module.
- system classes: like VNXSystem and UnitySystem
- exceptions: like UnityException, VNXException, etc.
- enums: like VNXProvisionEnum, NFSTypeEnum, etc.
We recommend to try the library with IPython notebook or shell.
All operation/resource are accessed from the system instance.
Here are some examples of the typical usage:
Use the vnx instance to access all sorts of resource and features.
# initialize the VNX system instance
>>> from storops import VNXSystem
>>> vnx = VNXSystem('', 'sysadmin', 'password')
>>> vnx
"VNXSystem": {
"existed": true,
"hash": 5339308,
"name": "K10",
"agent_rev": "7.33.8 (2.97)",
"model_type": "Rackmount",
"model": "VNX5800",
"serial": "APM00123456789",
"revision": ""
from storops import UnitySystem
unity = UnitySystem('<management ip>', '<user>', '<password>')
# get all pools
>>> pools = vnx.get_pool()
"VNXPoolList": [
"VNXPool": {
"luns": [
"status": "OK(0x0)",
"current_operation_status": "N/A",
"disks": {
"VNXDiskList": [
"VNXDisk": {
"private": {},
"clariion_tla_part_number": "005050344PWR",
"prct_bound": {},
Attention: you could still initialize the python object even if the resource doesn't exists on array. You could use the "existed" property to check the existance of the resource.
# get a existing LUN
>>> lun = vnx.get_lun(lun_id=1)
>>> lun
"VNXLun": {
"status": "OK(0x0)",
"existed": true,
"default_owner": "VNXSPEnum.SP_B",
"name": "l0"
# get a non-existing lun
>>> vnx.get_lun(name='hello')
"VNXLun": {
"existed": false,
"hash": 5699430
Each properties printed in the json output could be accessed directly.
# access resource properties
>>> lun.status
All properties of a resource will be updated if any of them is accessed. For performance concern, the lib won't send query to array once properties are initialized. Explicitly call the "update()" function if you need a refresh.
>>> vnx = VNXSystem('') # no query to the system
>>> vnx.model
u'VNX5800' # send query, initialize all properties
u'k10' # no query
>>> vnx.update() # send query, update all properties
Most of the create/modify operations can be found on the instance. Call these instance methods to execute the operation.
# create lun
>>> pool = pools[0]
>>> lun1 = pool.create_lun('lun1', size_gb=2)
# delete a resource
>>> lun1.delete()
>>> from storops import VNXSystem
>>> vnx = VNXSystem('<management ip>', '<user>', '<password>')
# Enable metric query
>>> vnx.enable_perf_stats()
# Get iops for Storage Processor
>>> sp = vnx.get_sp()[0]
>>> sp.read_iops
>>> sp.write_iops
>>> sp.read_size_kb
>>> sp.write_size_kb
- Unity
>>> from storops import UnitySystem
>>> unity = UnitySystem('<management ip>', '<user>', '<password>')
# Enable metric query
>>> unity.enable_perf_stats()
# Once metric query enabled, storops will pull the realtime metric info
# from Unity periodically and calculate them, the default interval is
# 60s, so suggest to wait more than 60s for the first time calculation
>>> import time; time.sleep(60)
# Get iops, bandwidth for lun
>>> lun1 = unity.get_lun()[0]
>>> lun1.read_iops
>>> lun1.total_iops
>>> lun1.write_iops
>>> lun1.read_byte_rate
>>> lun1.write_byte_rate
>>> lun1.total_byte_rate
- If you are using IPython, use "?" to check the document and method signature.
>>> pool.create_lun? Signature: pool.create_lun(lun_name=None, size_gb=1, lun_id=None, provision=None, tier=None, ignore_thresholds=None) Docstring: Create a pool LUN in the pool. File: c:\work\python\storops\storops\vnx\resource\ Type: instancemethod
- In IPython, use tab to check all extrinsic methods/properties of the resource. Print the resource to check all intrinsic properties.
>>> vnx. vnx.control_station_ip vnx.get_property_key vnx.parse_all vnx.create_cg vnx.get_property_label vnx.parsed_resource vnx.create_pool vnx.get_rg vnx.poll vnx.create_rg vnx.get_sg vnx.property_names vnx.create_sg vnx.get_snap vnx.delete_cg vnx.domain vnx.get_sp_port vnx.delete_disk vnx.existed vnx.heartbeat vnx.delete_pool vnx.get_available_disks vnx.install_disk vnx.delete_rg vnx.get_cg vnx.is_auto_tiering_enabled vnx.delete_sg vnx.get_connection_port vnx.is_compression_enabled vnx.delete_snap vnx.get_dict_repr vnx.is_dedup_enabled vnx.set_block_credential vnx.get_disk vnx.is_fast_cache_enabled vnx.set_cli vnx.get_fc_port vnx.is_mirror_view_async_enabled vnx.set_naviseccli vnx.get_fcoe_port vnx.is_mirror_view_enabled vnx.spa_ip vnx.get_index vnx.is_mirror_view_sync_enabled vnx.spb_ip vnx.get_iscsi_port vnx.is_sancopy_enabled vnx.stop_heart_beat vnx.get_lun vnx.is_snap_enabled vnx.update vnx.get_migration_session vnx.is_thin_enabled vnx.update_nodes_ip vnx.get_ndu vnx.is_valid vnx.with_no_poll vnx.get_pool vnx.json vnx.with_poll vnx.get_pool_feature vnx.parse
Unittests are included in the storops_test package.
Use following command to install test dependencies.
$ pip install -r test-requirements.txt
Use pytest to run the tests.
$ pytest storops_test
Or you could use tox to run the tests.
$ tox -e py36
- Open an issue at the GitHub storops project.
- Fork the repository on GitHub and make changes on your branch.
- Add tests to cover your change.
- Send a pull request.
- Make sure to add yourself to "Contributors" listed below.
- Ryan Liang <>
- Yong Huang <>
- Dong Ding <>
- Cedric Zhuang
- Jay Xu
- Ray Chen
- Tina Tang
- Peter Wang
- Paulo Matias <>