A weather finder app built on ReactJS, as a part of an assignment for Ejam. Deployed at https://ejam-weather-man.herokuapp.com/
- Gives weather data for the 50 capital cities of the United States
- Gets data from backend service hosted at http://ejam-weather-service.herokuapp.com
- Switch timezone to US to experience corresponding UI changes.
- Has a day/night mode that toggles automatically utilizing browser time.
- A placeholder splash screen is also included.
Clone the repositiory into a folder and get into the folder
$ git clone https://github.com/ram95krishh/ejam-weather-man.git
$ cd ejam-weather-man
Now make sure node is installed, then run the following command
$ npm i
Create .env files for environmental variables
touch .env
After writing env values to .env... Build step (for dev):
npm run build:dev
Build step (for production)
npm run build
Finally, run the app with the following command...
npm start
The UI will now be up and available at http://localhost:8080
- Material UI
- RamdaJS
- Noty (for notifications)
- Redux with ImmutableJS
- Redux-saga (middleware)