This package is not actively maintained. For a more polished interface to plotting with d3.js, I suggest NVD3.
This is a javascript library for creating interactive matplotlib-/MATLAB-style plots. It provides a simple API for creating "charts" (SVG figures) and plots (scatter plots, line plots, bar graphs, and images) in HTML pages. Here's an example:
var chart = jsplotlib.make_chart(800,400); // (width, height) in pixels
.xlabel("x-axis label")
.ylabel("y-axis label")
See examples/{index.html,example.js}
for more examples, or see it live here.
This library requires d3.js, JQuery, and tipsy.
It's still rough around the edges. Known minor issues:
Bars/image elements sometimes move in ways they shouldn't (and cover axes) on mouseover
Axis labels are slightly off-center
Many features only work properly in WebKit browsers (tested on Safari & Chrome)