Hope you find this CLI useful, leave your issues.
CLI that generates the structure of a Node JS project with Express(Boilerplate code).
Initialize a Git Repository for your Project.
Creates the conexion to your Database
Soports Relational Database with the ORM Sequelize:
- Postgres
- Mysql
- Sql Server
- MariaDB
- Sqlite
Soports Non Relational Database with the ORM Mongoose
- MongoDB
//Instalar de Manera Global
//Install Package Globally
npm i -g @sebas369/nodepy
- public //Static Files of the API
- index.html
- src
- index.js //Entry file
- api
- app //App Module that contains its routers, models, controllers and services.
- routes
- controllers
- middleware
- models
- services
-base //Base folder that has base classes
- factory.service.js
- shared //Folder that shares files
- middleware
- config //Project Configuration
- server.config.js
- database.config.js
- environments.config.js
- .gitignore
- package.json
- .env
//To Initialize a new Project in the Current Directory
nodepy new projectName or nodepy n projectName