This project is an Ecommerce web application with its backend architecture implemented in a microservice pattern with a monolithic frontend.
Here are some of the features:
- User authentication
- Users can make payment in a seamless manner
- Uses JWT(Json Web Tokens) for Authorization Tokens
- Add products to cart in a seamless manner
- Built using well established tools - Node, GraphQL, JWT, React
- Users can complete an order within seconds
- Node
- GraphQL
- Docker
- Kafka
- Zookeeper
- React
The goal of this quick start is to get a working application quickly up and running. to start a dockerized version of the ecommerce microservice you can do the following:
1- Change directory into the api-gateway and run
docker-compose up -d
2- Change directory into the product-service and run
docker-compose up -d
3- Change directory into the order-service and run
docker-compose up -d
4- Change directory into the payment-service and run
docker-compose up -d
wait for all services to be up. It takes few seconds)
## API