- 4.2 Preprocessing Step
- 4.2.1 Config File
- 4.2.2 Implemented Steps
- 4.2 Neural Network Architecture
- 4.2 Preprocessing Step
- Appendix
This is the implementation of MoStress: a sequence model for stress classification. For more information about the model itself and all the processes and experiments around it, please see the articles on Publications section . For more questions and discussions, please contact any of the authors of this repository.
The resume of MoStress is shown on the image and the diagram below below:
flowchart LR
%%{init: {'flowchart' : {'curve' : 'linear'}}}%%
%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%
classDef circles fill:#DAE8FC
classDef circlesGreen fill:#D5E8D4
classDef subgraphBackground fill:#FFF2CC
classDef roundRectangles fill:#FFE6CC
classDef ifs fill:#F5F5F5
inputData((Input Data)):::circles
preprocessedData((Preprocessed Data)):::circles
weightsArray((Weights Array)):::circlesGreen
if{" "}:::ifs
subgraph Preprocessing
direction LR
fourier(Fourier Analysis):::roundRectangles
normalization(Windows Normalization):::roundRectangles
label(Windows Labelling):::roundRectangles
weights(Weights Calculation):::roundRectangles
fourier --> normalization --> label --> weights
inputData --> Preprocessing
Preprocessing -->|Generate| if
if --> preprocessedData
if --> weightsArray
flowchart LR
%%{init: {'flowchart' : {'curve' : 'linear'}}}%%
%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%
classDef circles fill:#DAE8FC
classDef circlesGreen fill:#D5E8D4
classDef rectangle fill:#E1D5E7
classDef subgraphBackground fill:#FFF2CC
classDef roundRectangles fill:#F8CECC
classDef ifs fill:#F5F5F5
preprocessedData1((Preprocessed Data)):::circles
weightsArray((Weights Array)):::circlesGreen
if{" "}:::ifs
if2{" "}:::ifs
metrics[Learning Metrics]:::rectangle
preprocessedData1 --> if
weightsArray --> if
subgraph NeuralNetwork
rnn("Recurrent Neural Network"):::roundRectangles
esn(Echo State Network):::roundRectangles
nbeats(NBetas Feature Extractor):::roundRectangles
if -->|Input| rnn
if -->|Input| esn
if -->|Input| nbeats
rnn -->|Generate| if2
esn -->|Generate| if2
nbeats -->|Generate| if2
if2 --> prediction
if2 --> metrics
The code with the results can be found on folder main
, and the folder experiments
we have testing of new features.
Also it is important to mention that this code it doesn't contain exploratory functions or methods, here is just the execution of MoStress.
Although , contributions to add those exploratory features or any other contribution are really welcome, please, create your fork, branch and pull request to add it!
At this point in time, MoStress only support WESAD dataset, therefore, in order to run the code successfully, it is important to obtain the WESAD data in advance.
Right now, there is only the implementation of the physiologic data collected from chest sensor of the WESAD. Thus, to help deal with the possible configuration of different datasets, we use the json configs/wesadDatasetOptions.json
to add custom configurations and if you want to add new datasets, we suggest to do the same.
If you need to add a new dataset, just create the class which implement it and add the class call on the datasets/DatasetFactory.py
and also make your class inherit the abstract class datasets/Dataset.py
and don't forget to implement the _getData()
MoStress has a builder (MoSB - MoStress Builder), which can be used for setup preparation. Make sure you have the properly versions for Python, Pip, and Python-Env. With MoStress Builder, your environment is prepared automatically, installing the necessary libraries and creating directories. To run the builder, move to the root directory of the downloaded project and execute one of the following commands:
sh builder
bash builder
After preparing the environment, just run the environment according to the your operational system. Do not forget to make sure the environment created (.mostress-env
) is being used by Jupyter or VSCode.
source $PWD.mostress-env/bin/activate
On the folder configFiles, there is a configs/wesadDatasetOptions.json
, where we set all the parameters needed on the preprocessing.
On moStress/preprocessing
we have the main class MoStressPreprocessing.py
, which has the call for all the steps that has to be done.
Each step were implemented as classes on moStress/preprocessing/implementedSteps
folder, and they all extends the abstract class: moStress/preprocessing/implementedSteps/Steps.py
, so if you want to implement a new step, please, inherit this class also.
The class MoStressNeuralNetwork
basically is a wrapper which takes different models architecture, therefore, to add a new model, create a class which implements your architecture on models/architectures
, make your new architecture inherits of the abstract class models/architectures/BaseArchitecture.py
, and add the architecture call on models/architectures/ModelFactory.py
We also advice that you pass a instance of the class MoStressNeuralNetwork
as the constructor of your new model, since this class may already have utils properties to your model.
Currently we have the follow architectures implemented:
The regularizer prefix means that we add a Ridge Regularizer and a Max Norm Bias on the output layer of the sequential model.
Also, after we train the model, we save it on models/saved
NOTE1: we don't save the reservoir model yet.
NOTE2: it is possible that the code of NBEATS-FEATURE-EXTRACTOR throw some error.
- Implement a resume report after the data preprocessing;
- Implement the k-fold validation to improve the results;
- Check if it is possible to lower the number of for loops;
- Implement unit tests to ensure secure changes.
- Change the RNN for reservoir computing or spiking neural networks;
- Use N-BEATS, with or without the preprocessing step.
- Use MoStress with new datasets
Here is our publications:
- A. de Souza, M. B. Melchiades, S. J. Rigo, G. d. O. Ramos, Mostress: a sequence model for stress classification, in: 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, Padova, Italy, 2022, pp. 1–8. doi:10.1109/IJCNN55064.2022.9892953. Link
And here is how you can cite this research:
author={de Souza, Arturo and Melchiades, Mateus B. and Rigo, Sandro J. and Ramos, Gabriel de O.},
title = {MoStress: a Sequence Model for Stress Classification},
booktitle = {2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)},
year = {2022},
address = {Padova, Italy},
month = {July},
publisher = {IEEE},
class DatasetFactory {
+make(datasetName~string~, datasetPath~string~, datasetOptions~string~)
class Dataset{
loadData(dataPath~string~, dataEncoding~string~ = 'latin1')$
saveData(dataPath~string~, data~any~)$
#_adjustUnnecessaryLabelCode(labelData~any~, oldIndex~int~, newIndex~int~)
class WesadPhysioChest {
+String dataPath
+Dictionary dataOpts
+Any data
-_getLabel(labelCode~int|string~) String
-_getData() Any
class Steps {
class Normalization {
+MoStressPreprocessing moStressPreprocessing
-Boolean _hasNormalizationFinished
class WindowsLabelling {
+MoStressPreprocessing moStressPreprocessing
-Boolean _hasWindowsLabellingFinished
-_labellingWindows(df~pd.DataFrame~, labels~List~)
class WeightsCalculation {
+MoStressPreprocessing moStressPreprocessing
-Boolean _hasWeightsCalculationFinished
class MoStressPreprocessing {
+List features
+List targets
+List featuresModelValidation
+List targetsModelValidation
+Dict quantityOfSets
+Dict discardedWindowsCounter
Normalization ..> Steps: inherits
WindowsLabelling ..> Steps: inherits
WeightsCalculation ..> Steps: inherits
MoStressPreprocessing *-- Normalization: compose
MoStressPreprocessing *-- WindowsLabelling: compose
MoStressPreprocessing *-- WeightsCalculation: compose
DatasetFactory ..|> MoStressPreprocessing: input
WesadPhysioChest ..> Dataset: inherits
DatasetFactory --|> WesadPhysioChest: make
class ModelFactory {
+make(architectureName~string~, architectureOptions~dictionary~)
class BaseArchitecture {
class SequentialModels {
+MoStressNeuralNetwork moStressNeuralNetwork
class ReservoirModels {
+MoStressNeuralNetwork moStressNeuralNetwork
class EvaluateModel {
+Any model
+String modelName
+List featuresValidation
+List targetsValidation
+List classes
class MoStressNeuralNetwork {
+Any modelOpts
+Dict weights
-Tensor _xTrain
-Tensor _xTest
-Tensor _yTrain
-Tensor _xTest
-Int _winSize
-Int _numFeatures
-Int _numClasses
-String _modelName
-String _optimizerName
-List _callbacks
+Any model
+Dict history
+String modelFullName
-Int _reservoirRandomSeed
-Int _reservoirVerbosityState
-List _allTrainFeatures
-List _allTrainTargets
ModelFactory --|> SequentialModels:make
ModelFactory --|> ReservoirModels:make
MoStressNeuralNetwork *-- ModelFactory: compose
MoStressNeuralNetwork *-- EvaluateModel: evaluate
MoStressPreprocessing --|> MoStressNeuralNetwork: input
SequentialModels ..> BaseArchitecture: inherits
ReservoirModels ..> BaseArchitecture: inherits
class GenericBlock {
+Number lookback
+Number horizon
+Number num_neurons
+Number block_layers
class TrendBlock {
+Number lookback
+Number horizon
+Number num_neurons
+Number block_layers
+Number polynomial_term
class SeasonalBlock {
+Number lookback
+Number horizon
+Number num_neurons
+Number block_layers
+Number num_harmonics
class NBeatsBlock {
+String model_type
+Number lookback
+Number horizon
+Number num_generic_neurons
+Number num_generic_stacks
+Number num_generic_layers
+Number num_trend_neurons
+Number num_trend_stacks
+Number num_trend_layers
+Number num_seasonal_neurons
+Number num_seasonal_stacks
+Number num_seasonal_layers
+Number num_harmonics
+Number polynomial_term
class NBeatsModel {
+String model_type
+Number lookback
+Number horizon
+Number num_generic_neurons
+Number num_generic_stacks
+Number num_generic_layers
+Number num_trend_neurons
+Number num_trend_stacks
+Number num_trend_layers
+Number num_seasonal_neurons
+Number num_seasonal_stacks
+Number num_seasonal_layers
+Number num_harmonics
+Number polynomial_term
+String loss
+Number learning_rate
+Number batch_size
class NBeatsFeatureExtractor {
+MoStressNeuralNetwork moStressNeuralNetwork
+NBeatsModel nBeats
+String residualsFolderPath
+String residualsTrainingFolderPath
+String residualsValidationFolderPath
+String nBeatsSavedModelBasePath
-List callbacks
+Boolean hasToCollectResiduals
+Boolean hasToFitBasicClassifier
+prepareResidualsDataset(epochs, verbose)
-_trainNbeatsModel(epochs, verbose)
NBeatsBlock *-- GenericBlock: compose
NBeatsBlock *-- TrendBlock: compose
NBeatsBlock *-- SeasonalBlock: compose
NBeatsModel *-- NBeatsBlock: compose
NBeatsFeatureExtractor *-- NBeatsModel: compose
NBeatsFeatureExtractor ..> BaseArchitecture: inherits
ModelFactory --|> NBeatsFeatureExtractor:make
This project uses the following license: MIT.