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Version changes
v1.8.0 release [ Public Version ]
[Add] support for reels media
[Add] support for uploading reels
[Add] 261 api version
[Add] LikeStoryAsync/UnLikeStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
[Add] support for uploading story link
[Add] support for story link
[Add] ValidateUriAsync to StoryProcessor
[Bugfix] for GenerateUploadId()
[Fix] issue with auto_expand_chaining null (#597) by @bman46
- Update depends
- Fix null value exception
- Allow null value instead
- Remove excess using
[Update] all thread client_context functions
[Update] SendDirectPhotoAsync to latest version
[Update] LiveProcessor.CreateAsync
v1.7.3 [ Public Version Release ]
- [Bugfix] for ChangePasswordAsync ( thx to @behi1ty for report )
- [Add] checkpoint required error ( thx to @bman46 )
- [Update] GenerateUploadId
- [Tiny update] for ChallengeLoginInfo/TwoFactorLoginInfo
v1.7.2 release [ Public Version ]
- [Update] TwoFactorLoginAsync ( thx to @bman46 )
v1.7.1 release [ Public Version ]
- [Bugfix] for GetUserMediaAsync, GetUserMediaByIdAsync [ thx to @bynifaciy ]
- [Bugfix] for GetUserAsync
- [Bugfix] for GetDirectInboxThreadAsync
v1.7.0 release [ Public Version ]
- [Drop support] for .NETFramework 4.5.2 and .NETStandard 1.3
- [Update] api version to v180.
- [Update] library to recent changes in Instagram
- [Update] LoginAsync
- [Update] TwoFactorLoginAsync
- [Update] LoginWithFacebookAsync
- [Update] VerifyCodeForChallengeRequireAsync
- [Update] ChangePasswordAsync
- [Update] GetCurrentUserAsync [ thx to @u8989332 ]
v1.6.0 release [ Public Version ]
- [Add] support for NETFramework4.6.1
- [Add] GetEncryptedPassword to ExtensionHelper for .NETFramework 4.6.1 or newer and NETStandard 2.0 or newer
- [Add] IRegistrationService and RegistrationService
- [Add] CreateNewAccountWithPhoneNumberAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CreateNewAccountWithEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GenerateRandomBirthday to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetFirstContactPointPrefillAsync to RegistrationService
- [Add] FirstLauncherSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] FirstQeSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckUsernameAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] InstaCheckEmailRegistration to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetSignupConsentConfigAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] SendRegistrationVerifyEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckRegistrationConfirmationCodeAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetSiFetchHeadersAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetUsernameSuggestionsAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckAgeEligibilityAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetOnboardingStepsAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] NewUserFlowBeginsConsentAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetMultipleAccountsFamilyAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetZrTokenResultAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] LauncherSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] QeSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] NuxNewAccountSeenAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetContactPointPrefillAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] SmsVerificationCode property to IRegistrationService
- [Add] AccountRegistrationPhoneNumber to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckPhoneNumberAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] SendSignUpSmsCodeAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] VerifySignUpSmsCodeAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Bugfix] Fix ChangeProfilePictureAsync in AccountProcessor [ by @juliendu11 ]
- [Bugfix] for parsing
in comments [ by @Anushiravani ] - [Add] additional error handlers [ by @fatihdumanli ]
- [Bugfix] for adding header
- [Update] api version and signature key to v126.
- [Update] Headers and constants
- [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync, Constants and some others
- [Update] a lot of things related to login and other things
- [Add] SendRequestsBeforeLoginAsync to InstaApi
- [Add] SendRequestsAfterLoginAsync to InstaApi
- Change license to MIT
- [Add] GetTopicalExploreFeedAsync to FeedProcessor (new explore page) Supports explore categories, ig tv videos
- [Add] UserTag support in InstaVideoUpload (video upload with user tags)
- [Add] video usertags support for uploading album
- [Bugfix] for slider emoji in story upload
- [Add] CropWidth and CropHeight as parameter for CreateHighlightFeedAsync (thx to @szokeptr)
- [Add] LastPermanentItem property to InstaDirectInboxThread by @estgold
- [Add] RelatedHashtags to GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync
- [Update] GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync
- [Update] GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync
- [Update] api version to (it's default now)
- [Add] GetLoggedInChallengeDataInfoAsync to IInstaApi
- [Add] AcceptChallengeAsync to IInstaApi [THIS IS ME feature] (check #204)
- [Bugfix] for highlights media converter
- [Bugfix] for challenge response for logged in user
- [Bugfix] for login with 2FA enabled (thx to @vivan-snapretail for report)
- [Add] Dashmanifest property for postlive
- [Add] Support Uploading Story Countdown in InstaStoryUploadOptions
- [Add] GetCountdownsStoriesAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] FollowCountdownStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] UnFollowCountdownStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Bugfix] for BusinessProcessor.GetStatisticsAsync [ by @estgold ]
- [Bugfix] for GetStoryMediaViewersAsync (thx to @tommasoceschia for report)
- [Add] HttpRequestProcessor to IInstaApi
- [Add] GetApiVersionInfo to IInstaApi
- [Add] GetUserAgent to IInstaApi
- [Bugfix] for InstaRecentActivityConverter timestamp for different cultures [ by @estgold ]
- [Bugfix] for media products (thx to @tommasoceschia for report)
- [Bugfix] for UploadStoryPhotoWithUrlAsync
- [Bugfix] for ProductTags (thx to @tommasoceschia for report)
- [Add] some new properties to InstaProduct class
- [Add] support for Questions in InstaStoryUploadOptions
- [Update] facebook login function
- [Update] story slider
- [Add] IWebProcessor to IInstaApi (instagram web api for account data)
- [Add] GetAccountInfoAsync to WebProcessor
- [Add] GetFollowRequestsAsync to WebProcessor
- [Add] GetFormerBiographyTextsAsync to WebProcessor
- [Add] GetFormerBiographyLinksAsync to WebProcessor
- [Add] GetFormerUsernamesAsync to WebProcesor
- [Add] GetFormerFullNamesAsync to WebProcessor
- [Add] GetFormerPhoneNumbersAsync to WebProcessor
- [Add] GetFormerEmailsAsync to WebProcessor
- [Bugfix] for GetDirectInboxThreadAsync pagination (thx to @Hoaas for report)
- [Add] VisualMedia support in direct thread item (check #174 issue) (thx to @aspmaker for report)
- [Add] ActionBlockEnd to ResultInfo (Displaying ActionBlock end date. Used For awaiting liking etc.) (thx to @mihey8800 for PR)
- [Add] Videos property to InstaInboxMedia (direct media item)
- [Update] direct item Users and LeftUsers models class
- [Remove] StartFromId function from PaginationParameters class (use StartFromMaxId instead)
- [Update] InstaUserInfo (thx to @RowanFazio for PR)
- [Change] InstaStory.Items to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] StoryQuestionsResponderInfos property to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] Countdowns property to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] ImportedTakenAt property to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] AnswerToStoryQuestionAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] support for Mentions in InstaStoryUploadOptions
- [Bugfix] for GetUserFollowersAsync
- [Bugfix] for GetUserFollowingAsync
- [Rename] GetLocationFeedAsync to GetLocationStoriesAsync
- [Rename] InstaHashtagMediaList to InstaSectionMediaList
- [Add] some new properties to PaginationParameters
- [Add] GetTopLocationFeedsAsync to LocationProcessor
- [Add] GetRecentLocationFeedsAsync to LocationProcessor
- [Add] GetAccountDetailsAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Update] GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync pagination
- [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync pull refresh
- [Add] InstaStoryFriendshipStatus class
- [Update] GetStoryFeedAsync
- [Update] GetUserStoryAsync
- [Update] GetFullUserInfoAsync
- [Update] GetFriendshipStatusAsync
- [Update] BlockUserAsync/UnBlockUserAsync
- [Update] IgnoreFriendshipRequestAsync
- [Update] HideMyStoryFromUserAsync/UnHideMyStoryFromUserAsync
- [Update] MuteFriendStoryAsync/UnMuteFriendStoryAsync
- [Update] MuteUserMediaAsync/UnMuteUserMediaAsync
- [Update] FollowUserAsync/UnFollowUserAsync
- [Update] InstaStory.FriendshipStatus (support muting)
- [Update] InstaFullUserInfo.UserDetail.FriendshipStatus
- [Update] InstaStoryFeed.Broadcasts
- [Update] InstaStoryFeed.PostLives
- [Update] InstaReelFeed.FriendshipStatus
- [Add] ShareMediaAsStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] HasViewerSaved property to InstaMedia
- [Add] converters for all live broadcast classes
- [Add] pagination to GetDiscoverTopLiveAsync
- [Add] LoginWithFacebookAsync to IInstaApi
- [Bugfix] for followers and followings get functions
- [Bugfix] for SendGetRequestAsync
- [Bugfix] for GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync (thx to @huseyinkarael for report)
- [Bugfix] for GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync (thx to @huseyinkarael for report)
- [Bugfix] for GetArchivedMediaAsync pagination
- [Bugfix] for GetUserTagsAsync (thx to @hamidrh for bugfix)
- [Rename] GetLikeFeedAsync to GetLikedFeedAsync
- [Rename] SendLikeAsync to SendDirectLikeAsync
- [Add] GetUserFollowersByIdAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] GetUserFollowingByIdAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] SaveMediaAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] UnSaveMediaAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] GetSavedFeedAsync to FeedProcessor
- [Add] support story question in InstaStoryItem
- [Add] GetUserShoppableMediaByIdAsync to ShoppingProcessor
- [Add] GetUserMediaByIdAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] GetBestFriendsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] GetBestFriendsSuggestionsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] AddBestFriendsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] DeleteBestFriendsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Update] GetUserTagsAsync pagination
- [Update] GetTagFeedAsync pagination
- [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync pagination
- [Update] GetSavedFeedAsync
- [Update] GetLikedFeedAsync pagination
- [Update] GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync pagination
- [Update] GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync pagination
- [Update] ApproveDirectPendingRequestAsync
- [Update] GetUserShoppableMediaAsync pagination
- [Update] GetUserShoppableMediaAsync pagination
- [Bugfix] for Blocked users
- [Add] SendDirectProfileToRecipientsAsync
- [Bugfix] for user activities timespan
- [Add] support for story sliders
- [Add] VoteStorySliderAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] some new properties to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] StorySliderVoters to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] Slider to InstaStoryUploadOptions
- [Add] Fail(Exception, T, ResponseType) to Result
- [Add] NetworkProblem to ResponseType
- [Add] support story poll to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] ViewerVote property to InstaStoryPollStickerItem
- [Add] story voters support in InstaStoryItem
- [Add] Viewers property to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] viewers and voters in GetStoryMediaViewersAsync function
- [Add] pagination to GetStoryMediaViewersAsync
- [Add] GetStoryPollVotersAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] VoteStoryPollAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] SetTimeout to IInstaApi
- [Add] story options (add locations, hashtags or poll questions) to UploadStoryPhotoAsync and UploadStoryVideoAsync
- [Add] Api Version 76
- [Set] api version v76 as default (for new logins)
- [Update] GetStatisticsAsync
- [Update] highlight values
- [Add] SendDirectHashtagAsync to MessagingProcessor
- [Add] SendDirectHashtagToRecipientsAsync to MessagingProcessor
- [Add] support Hashtag message in direct threads
- [Add] support LiveViewerInvite in direct message
- [Add] ShareLiveToDirectThreadAsync to LiveProcessor
- [Add] ShareLiveToDirectRecipientAsync to LiveProcessor
- [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync
- [Add] refresh to timeline feed
- [Bugfix] for LoginWithCookiesAsync
- [Add] support for postlives
- [Add] like in directs
- [Add] Challenge support in 2FALogin
- [Add] timespan for InstaAudio
- [Add] support for dynamically setting httphandler
- [Add] top searches in discover processor
- [Add] LoginWithCookiesAsync to IInstaApi
- [Bugfix] for live comments get
- [Bugfix] for SearchPlacesAsync
- [Bugfix] fix for hashtags deserialize on api version 64
- [Add] RichText support in API Version 64 for Activities
- [Add] set/get timezone and timezone offset
- [Bugfix] for MarkDirectThreadAsSeenAsync (thx to @burak1000 for report)
- [Add] PaginationParameters to SearchPlacesAsync
- [Add] SendDirectLinks with recipients and threadId to MessagingProcessor (thx to @estgold for PR)
- [Add] ArchiveMediaAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] UnArchiveMediaAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] GetArchivedMediaAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] GetPresenceOptionsAsync to AccountProcessor
- [Add] EnablePresenceAsync to AccountProcessor
- [Add] DisablePresenceAsync to AccountProcessor
- [Add] BlockUserCommentingAsync to CommentProcessor
- [Add] UnblockUserCommentingAsync to CommentProcessor
- [Add] GetBlockedCommentersAsync to CommentProcessor
- [Update] FriendshipStatus property in GetUserAsync
- [Bugfix] for recent activities return following activities
- [Add] ISessionHandler for save/load session to IInstaApiBuilder (thx to @estgold for PR)
- [Bugfix] for GetSecuritySettingsInfoAsync
- [Add] GetBlockedUsersAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] SwitchToPersonalAccountAsync to AccountProcessor
- [Add] SetHttpRequestProccesor in IInstaApiBuilder (thx to @estgold for PR)
- [Add] GetRecoveryOptionsAsync to IInstaApi
- [Bugfix] for VerifyCodeForChallengeRequireAsync
- [Rename] GetBlockedStorySharingUsersStory to GetBlockedUsersFromStoriesAsync
- [Add] voice message support to direct thread item (Api version v74 or newer is required =>
) - [Add] animated image (gif) message support to direct thread item (Api version v74 or newer is required =>
- [Update] A change in builder to made it IoC/DI compatible (thx to @raminmt for PR)
- [Bugfix] for GetFollowingRecentActivityFeedAsync pagination [now works correctly]
- [Add] new UploadAlbumAsync (check #95 issue)
- [Add] GetBlockedMediasAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] GetMediaByIdsAsync to MediaProcessor for getting multiple medias
- [Bugfix] for GetFollowingRecentActivityFeedAsync pagination
- [Add] InstaImageUpload class (use this for uploading photo/album from now)
- [Add] User tags support to UploadAlbumAsync (see album wiki page)
- [Update] UploadPhotoAsync (you should use InstaImageUpload instead! see photo wiki page)
- [Update] Result with more error support
- [Add] MutualFirst flag added to GetUserFollowersAsync
- [Add] ability to request verification code again (thx to @sh2ezo for PR)
- [Support] NetStandard 1.3
- [Update] InstaRecentActivityConverter
- [Add] PaginationParameters support to GetCollectionsAsync
- [Rename] GetCollectionAsync to GetSingleCollectionAsync
- [Add] PaginationParameters support to GetSingleCollectionAsync
- [Add] GetLocationInfoAdd GetLocationInfo to LocationProcessor to LocationProcessor
- [Add] EditCollectionAsync to CollectionProcessor
- [Add] to VerifyEmailByVerificationUriAsync to AccountProcessor
- [Add] DeleteDirectThreadAsync to MessagingProcessor
- [Add] DeleteSelfMessageAsync to MessagingProcessor
- [Bugfix] for GetUserAsync
- [Add] user tags support to UploadPhotoAsync
- [Add] user tags edit to EditMediaAsync
- [Add] Product tags to InstaMedia
- [Add] user tag support to InstaCarouselItem
- [Add] ShoppingProcessor
- [Add] GetUserShoppableMediaAsync to ShoppingProcessor and UserProcessor
- [Add] GetProductInfoAsync to ShoppingProcessor
- [Add] MarkUserAsOverageAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] FavoriteUserAsync and UnFavoriteUserAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] FavoriteUserStoriesAsync and UnFavoriteUserStoriesAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] MuteUserMediaAsync and UnMuteUserMediaAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] HideMyStoryFromUserAsync and UnHideMyStoryFromUserAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] MuteFriendStoryAsync and UnMuteFriendStoryAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] GetBlockedStorySharingUsersStory to StoryProcessor
- [Bugfix] for phone number/email login (now you can login with phone/email to as well) (spectial thanks to @learn-itnow for his help)
- [Update] PaginationParameters, change NextId to NextMaxId
- [Add] NextMinId to PaginationParameters (for comments)
- [Bugfix] for GetMediaCommentsAsync
- [Bugfix] for GetMediaRepliesCommentsAsync
- [Bugfix] Unique guid for devices (now instagram won't suspicious, relogin required)
- [Minor bugfix] for GetUserAsync in UserProcessor
- [Bugfix] for RavenReplayChainCount in direct thread item
- [Update] tiny update for story seen uri
- [Add] MarkStoryAsSeenAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] GetHighlightMediasAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] ReplyToStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Bugfix] for Result.GetResponseType
- [Bugfix] For checkpoint issue thx to @hermaphros for solution
- [Bugfix] For GetFullUserInfoAsync
- [Add] FriendshipStatus to InstaUserInfo
- [Add] ProfileContextIds to InstaUserInfo
- [Update] SearchUserByLocationAsync
- [Bugfix] for GetStoryFeedAsync (thx to @iancona for report)
- [Update] LoginAsync
- [Add] ActionBlocked to ResponseType
- Some minor improvements
- [Bugfix] For GetExploreFeedAsync pagination
- [Bugfix] For direct reel share
- [Bugfix] For GetMediaCommentLikersAsync
- [Update] InstaComment
- [Update] ShareMediaToThreadAsync
- [Add] GetRankedRecipientsByUsernameAsync to MessagingProcessor
- [Add] ShareMediaToUser to MessagingProcessor
- [Add] Support reel share in direct threads
- [Add] Remove follower
- [Add] Translate biography
- [Add] Translate comments/captions
- [Add] Search places (in facebook)
- [Bugfix] For SetApiVersion
- [Update] Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform (uwp)
- [Bugfix] For direct inbox/thread/pending
- [Add] StoryFeedMedia and ShowOneTapTooltip to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] Get user from nametag image
- [Add] Upload nametag image
- [Add] PaginationParameters to GetDirectInboxAsync
- [Add] PaginationParameters to GetDirectInboxThreadAsync
- [Add] PaginationParameters to GetPendingDirectAsync
- [Add] Get branded content approval to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] Search branded users to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] Enable/disable branded approval to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] Remove/add users to branded whitelist to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] Add users to group threads
- [Bugfix] For uploading photo/video/album
- [Add] Suggested users
- [Add] Follow/Unfollow hashtags
- [Add] Get stories of an hashtag
- [Add] Get recent hashtag medias
- [Add] Get ranked hashtag medias
- [Add] Sync phone contact
- [Add] Get direct users presence
- [Add] Get friendship status for multiple ids
- [Add] Get suggested hashtags
- [Add] Get following hashtags information
- [Add] Get suggestion details
- [Add] Get highlights archive
- [Add] Get highlights archive medias
- Business wiki page added
- [Bugfix] for uploading album (photos)
- [Support] DebugLogger for uwp
- [Add] SetRequestDelay to IInstaApi
- [Wiki update] for FAQ page
- [Bugfix] for uploading video album (thx to @rasaradin for report)
- [Add] ValidateUrlAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] GetBusinessPartnersButtonsAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] AddOrChangeBusinessButtonAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] RemoveBusinessButtonAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] GetSuggestedCategoriesAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] GetCategoriesAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] GetSubCategoriesAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] SearchCityLocationAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] ChangeBusinessCategoryAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] GetBusinessAccountInformationAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] RemoveBusinessLocationAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Add] UpdateBusinessInfoAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Bugfix] for #58 (thx to @mstrifonov and @murdock477 for report and tests)
- [Change] minimun target platform to 10240(uwp)
- [Update] edit media function (location support)
- [Bugfix] for caption in upload photo [large photo]
- [Bugfix] for caption in upload video [large video]
- [Bugfix] for caption in upload album [large album]
- [Bugfix] for #55 and add some properties to InstaFeed
- [Bugfix] for #53 and add some properties to InstaRecentActivityFeed
- [Add] Set accept language to InstaApi (thx to @Lorymi )
- [Cleanup] and code refactoring some classes
- [Add] Report media to MediaProcessor
- [Add] Report user to UserProcessor
- [Add] Business support to IInstaApi.BusinessProcessor
- [Add] upload story with link address support(story cta) (only works for verified accounts or accounts with more than 10k followers)
- [Add] auto accept consent require in signup with phone and email
- [Update] signup with phone and email. (no need to call LoginAsync after account created.)
- [Add] submit phone number for challenge require (special thx to @learn-itnow for helping me)
- [Add] support for changing api version(v35, v44 and v61), in IInstaApiBuilder
- [Revert] api version to v44 as default (this will fixes consent required issue) (special thx to @learn-itnow for helping me)
- [Remove] static from HttpHelper class
- [Update] challenge functions for using current device information
- [Add wiki] FAQ page
- [Rename] SuggestedSearchesAsync to GetSuggestedSearchesAsync in TVProcessor
- [Bugfix] for GetFullUserInfoAsync
- [Update] Direct messaging wiki
- [Add] TV wiki
- [Add] CheckUsernameAsync to IInstaApi
- [Add] GetRequestForDownloadAccountDataAsync to AccountProcessor
- [Add] Progress changed action to change profile picture
- [Bugfix] for GetFullUserInfoAsync (thx to https://t.me/rohollah for report)
- [Bugfix] for random android version (thx to @aspmaker )
- [Cleanup] some functions
- [Add] InactiveUser to InstaLoginResult
- [Bugfix] for ShareMediaToThreadAsync (thx to @huseyinkarael for report)
- [Bugfix] for image/video uploader (thx to @alexrepetskyi for report)
- [Bugfix] for like/unlike comment (thx to @aspmaker for report)
- [Bugfix] for GetMediaCommentsAsync (thx to @aspmaker for report)
- [Bugfix] for GetMediaRepliesCommentsAsync (thx to @aspmaker for report)
- [Add] Some new property to InstaComment
- [Add] LeaveGroupThreadAsync to MessagingProcessor
- [Add] 1 new device to AndroidDevices
- [Add] Progress changed action to every uploading functions(media, story, direct)
- [Bugfix] for random android version (thx to @Aspmaker )
- [Add] ShareMediaToThreadAsync to MessagingProcessor
- [Add] GetFullUserInfoAsync to UserProcessor
- [Cleanup] some classes
- [Change] SendDirectMessageAsync to SendDirectTextAsync
- [Fix] SendDirectTextAsync issue
- [Add] DeleteMultipleCommentsAsync to CommentProcessor
- [Add] Like/Unlike comment to CommentProcessor
- [Update] GetMediaCommentsAsync in CommentProcessor
- [Add] Pagination support to GetMediaRepliesCommentsAsync
- [Wiki Update] for Direct messaging page
- [Add] UploadVideoAsync to TVProcessor
- [Change] User agent to v61. for supporting new apis
- [Add] Support FelixShare (igtv shared video) in direct threads
- [Add] Some new properties to direct threads (new api)
- [Add] Some new properties to InstaUserInfo
- [Update] InstaCurrentUser.Gender to InstaGenderType
- [Add] Some new properties to InstaMedia
- [Add] Some new properties to InstaStory
- [Update] InstaTagFeed class
- [Bugfix] for GetMediaRepliesCommentsAsync in CommentProcessor
- [Add] Instagram TV support in IInstaApi.TVProcessor
- [Update] Add Timeout and NeedsChallenge to ResultInfo (thx to @Lorymi )
- [Add] like direct message in thread
- [Update] UploadPhotoAsync to newer api
- [Add] Set location while uploading photo/video/album in MediaProcessor
- [Move] SetDevice to IInstaApi
- [Bugfix] for random device (user agent). now supports 20 device
- [Add] Android version to device (randomly from android v4.0 to v9.0)
- [Add] GetCurrentDevice to InstaApi
- [Add] Biography with entities property to InstaUserInfo
- [Add] Search users by location to LocationProcessor
- [Bugfix] For some functions in LiveProcessor
- [Add] GetJoinRequestsAsync to LiveProcessor
- [Add] Send disappering photo to direct thread
- [Add] Resend two factor login code by username, email and phone (thx to @Lorymi )
- [Update] GetRequestForEditProfileAsync in AccountProcessor
- [Update] EditProfileAsync parameters, please check updated samples/Examples/Samples/Account.cs
- [Add] Set biography (support hashtags and user mention) in AccountProcessor
- [Add] Send disappering video to direct thread
- [Cleanup] some classes and functions
- [Add] More properties for InstaStoryLocation (Positioning properties)
- [Add] StoryCTA Added. This used for stories with links in see more.
- [Add] link support for direct threads
- [Add] Send link as direct message
- [Add] location support for direct threads
- [Add] Send location as direct message
- [Bugfix] for SendDirectProfileAsync
- [Bugfix] for highlight
- [Add] Highlight support (create, delete, get) to StoryProcessor
- [Add] Placeholder support for direct threads
- [Add] some other info to InstaUserInfo [thx to @GormYa]
- [Move] InstagramApiSharp to src folder
- [Move] examples projects to samples folder
- [Add] ActionLog support for direct threads
- [Add] Profile support for direct threads
- [Add] Send profile as direct message
- [Add] UpdateDirectThreadAsync to Messaging
- [Add] mute/unmute thread to Messaging
- [Add] DeclineDirectPendingRequestsAsync to Messaging
- [Bugfix] for GetDirectInboxThreadAsync
- [Bugfix] for ApproveDirectPendingRequestAsync
- [Bugfix] for DeclineAllDirectPendingRequestsAsync
- [Bugfix] for DicoverProccesor.GetSuggestedSearchesAsync
- Support raven media in direct messages
- Support share media in direct messages
- Send video to story (self story, direct story and both) added
- Seen story added
- Send direct photo/video added
- Added RegenerateTwoFactorBackupCodesAsync to AccountProcessor
- public GetRequestForEditProfileAsync method
- GetRecentActivityFeedAsync added to UserProcessor
- Build UWP(NET CORE) library
- Support NET Core for uploading video/image as bytes Example project
- UploadPhotosAlbumAsync removed from MediaProcessor
- Fix challenge require (if two factor is enable)
- Set custom device (user-agent) Wiki example
- Bugfix for random device (in user-agent)
- Bugfix for DeclineAllDirectPendingRequests
- Upload album (videos and photos together) added. Wiki example
- SendNewDirectMessage added
- All deprecated functions removed
- Register new account via phone number! Wiki example
- SendNewDirectMessage (for users that you didn't send message before).
- ShareUser added to MessagingProcessor.
- Some clean up.
- Obsolete function will remove in next version.
- Deprecate most of functions! Please check new functions because old ones will removed in v1.0.3.
- Approve direct pending inbox thread
- Decline all direct pending inbox threads
- Get direct pending inbox threads
- Bugfix for ResetChallengeRequireVerifyMethodAsync
- Bugfix for VerifyCodeForChallengeRequireAsync
- Bugfix for Challenge require
- Change challenge require function(now it's works perfectly).
- IsCommentsDisabled added to InstaMedia class.
- Bugfix for facebook login(now you can do anything after you logged in with facebook)
- Enable/disable media comments
- Facebook login added
- Fix GetPendingFriendRequests response issue
- Share story added.
- Access to StoryProcessor added.
- GetStateDataAsString and LoadStateDataFromString added.
- Inline comments support(send and get)
- Fix Challenge required api. Now you can verify your email or phone number with challenge required functions.
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