This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine ( This module embeds its own SQLite3 library built from the SQLite amalgamation, so it doesn’t have any external dependencies
require "sqlite3" # Open a database db = "test.db" # Create a table rows = db.execute <<-SQL create table numbers ( name varchar(30), val int ); SQL # Execute a few inserts { "one" => 1, "two" => 2, }.each do |pair| db.execute "insert into numbers values ( ?, ? )", pair end # Find a few rows db.execute( "select * from numbers" ) do |row| p row end # Create another table with multiple columns db.execute <<-SQL create table students ( name varchar(50), email varchar(50), grade varchar(5), blog varchar(50) ); SQL # Execute inserts with parameter markers db.execute("INSERT INTO students (name, email, grade, blog) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", ["Jane", "[email protected]", "A", ""]) db.execute( "select * from students" ) do |row| p row end
To build the gem do the following:
gem build sqlite3-ruby-static.gemspec gem install sqlite3-ruby-static-*.gem
Or to build the gem under the sqlite3 name:
gem build sqlite3.gemspec gem install sqlite3-*.gem
To install with commandline:
gem install sqlite3-ruby-static --version "[Type version number here]" --source ""
To install with Gemfile:
source "" do gem "sqlite3-ruby-static", "[Type version number here]" end
To use this library with Ruby on Rails put this in the Gemfile:
gem 'sqlite3', git: '', tag: 'v1.4.2.20200412165500.3.22' # You can use branch (ie: master), ref, tag (ie: like the example above).
This should make Ruby on Rails think it is using the sqlite3 gem (which Ruby on Rails has a hard dependency on).
If you ran into any issue please open an issue here ( and I with try my best to help you out. If we determine that the issue is in upstream then the best place to get help is from the sqlite3-ruby mailing list which can be found here:
If you found a bug and it is determined to be just affect this fork please file a bug report under the github issues (
For help figuring out the SQLite3/Ruby interface, check out the SYNOPSIS as well as the RDoc. It includes examples of usage.
The source repository is accessible via git:
git clone