- This project inspired by the famous P2E game Axie Infinity
├── README.md
├── contracts
│ └── Land.sol
├── deploy
│ ├── 1_deploy_token.ts
│ └── 2_mint_tokens.ts
├── hardhat.config.ts
├── helpers
│ ├── hardhat-config.ts
│ └── verify.ts
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── scripts
├── test
│ └── index.ts
├── tsconfig.json
└── typechain
- Clone this project and run the following command
npm install
# or
npm ci
To make sure everything works perfectly run
npx hardhat
- Create
directory on the root folder with the following variables
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=<change with your etherscan api key>
# this is for rinkeby test network
RINKEBY_URL=https://eth-rinkeby.alchemyapi.io/v2/<add your alchemy api key here>
RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY=<change this with your account private key on metamask>
# If you want to specify the gas manually please uncomment and change RINKEBY_GAS
# for RINKEBY_GAS please get/refer the value from https://ethgasstation.info/ and multiple it to 1000000000 to convert it to wei
# ex: Standard gas price = 30 so 30*1000000000 = 3000000000 wei
# RINKEBY_GAS=3000000000
- On this project deployment we used
to make the deployment organized and clean
Contract Deployment
npx hardhat deploy --network rinkeby --tags staging --reset
The code above will automatically verify the smart contract on rinkeby etherscan, if verification error occure please run the following to re-verify
npx hardhat --network rinkeby etherscan-verify
Deployment TX
- Contract Deployment: Tx 0xf1ad073d99409bad413ace3380e61922572a494affec401a381e1fa506361119
- Mint token 1 with 500 initial supply Tx 0x6fe14f66c2e4381720f7ff6c294ebed26f40282ea3951b45ee550804d93357ad
- Mint token 2 with 250 initial supply Tx 0x7b1dbede329d73f654ebb0cb2cb8eac886ea8e777b4010b78dc5d6e82343dc66
- Mint token 3 with 50 initial supply Tx 0x039e2e0f8df56ca4b8dddca868dfa240edd373ab08ee8f48d1ddb9d60af321eb
- To test royalty we list our NFT Land (Axie Infinity Inspired Land) to LooksRare cause opensea doesn't support erc2981 standard as of now
Listing Info:
- We list token 1 - 1 item savannah NFT with 0.1 eth price
- Currently the royalty receiver is the contract deployer with is this address 0x9E36fcE2f2FcdBEF2B9A8D3D377FB6Dc4D48fb6f on our case
- Our buyer address 0xFED561Ac226962b5867160b9D3EDE6ae4Ba52548
- Royalty Reveiver (deployer on our case) will receive 2.50% royalty for each nft sold
Buy Tx made by 0xFED561Ac226962b5867160b9D3EDE6ae4Ba52548:
Buy Tx Info:
- Deployer received 0.0955 weth with 0.0025 weth royalty
- LooksRare sales 0.002 weth
- Deployer and Royalty receiver Address: 0x9E36fcE2f2FcdBEF2B9A8D3D377FB6Dc4D48fb6f
- Buyer Address: 0xFED561Ac226962b5867160b9D3EDE6ae4Ba52548