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arctic.web installation package to install ArcticGaming website

$ git clone
$ cd arctic.web
$ ln -s development.cfg buildout.cfg
$ python2.7
$ bin/buildout
$ bin/instance fg

If you want to develop features, you must follow this guide

First checkout the package and create a new branch from the master:

$ git clone
$ cd arctic.web
$ git checkout -b my-mew-feature
$ git push origin -u my-new-feature

If you are finnished and the feature is working fine, you can merge it into the master branch after the quality-check:

$ git checkout master
$ git merge my-mew-feature
$ git push

Now, the feature is available for other developers.

For the deployment we use the git-deploy.

Do the following step once to setup push-deploment on the server:

Setup git hooks on server <>

gem install git-deploy
cd the-package-repository

git deploy setup -r production

Do the following steps on your local repo:

# once you have to install the remotes (local)

# deployment auf "production":
git push production master

The push deployment will run builodut if necessary, installst plone updates and restarts the instances. If possible, the deployment will run without server downtime. Otherwise, it will activate a maintenance-page.

Another example to push a local branch to a nightly installation:

# push my local branch my-branch to the master for the nightly remote
git push nightly my-branch:master

If you want to rerun the deployment i.e. if you just changed some versionpinnings or if you changed src-packages without changing the master, you can run:

git-deploy rerun -r production

For more information about push-deployment see:

plone git deployment <>

Runs with Plone 4.3.9.

This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

arctic.web is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.


ArcticGaming Website (Plone Version)






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