If you've got an Arduino Gameboy Printer Emulator this Python script can capture the serial data sent from the Game Boy/Arduino and save it to a file on your computer.
Game Boy Camera Dumper opens a serial (USB) port and waits for data that is sent when you choose to "print" the photo from your Game Boy Camera.
When the script runs it will show the output in the terminal, and also dump the data to a file named gbc-output.txt
Once the data is saved into a text file you can then decode it and get your images.
On macOS I typically type the following:
python3 gbc-dumper.py /dev/tty.wchusbserialfa440
The /dev/tty.wchusbserialfa440 specifies the USB port. This will be different depending on your Arduino, different on different machines, and even more different on Windows or Linux.
When you are done with all your transfers just hit Ctrl C
to end the script.
You can then open gbc-output.txt
in your favorite text editor and copy the contents to paste into the decoder.
The file gbc-output.txt
can be deleted when you are done and it will be created fresh the next time you run the script. If you don't delete it, it will just keep appending data each time you run the script. Do what you want with that feature... the choice is yours. :)
I've written up a blog post that helps explain the process here: http://rasterweb.net/raster/2020/10/03/game-boy-camera-dumper/
Pete Prodoehl
GBC Photos: http://photos.rasterweb.net/
Contact: [email protected]