BaitSTR is a collection of three programs to automate the discovery of exact short tandem repeats (and its flanking region) from Illumina fastq sequences. Not yet ready for public consumption.
BaitSTR should work on any standard 64 bit Linux environment with
- Python version >= 2.7
- zlib (
- Cython
- BaitSTR uses 128 bit version of MurmurHash as the hash function. MurmurHash was created by Austin Appleby in 2008. Seungyoung Kim has ported it's cannonical implementation to C language in 2012 and published it as a part of qLibc component (dedicated to the public domain by the authors). The version used in BaitSTR is heavily borrowed from that.
- BaitSTR uses Google Sparsehash ( as a submodule.
There are two ways of installing BaitSTR (a) cloning the repository from Github, (b) downloading a release from Github. Here we describe both methods:
git clone --recursive
should download the required submodules along with the code required to compile BaitSTR components.
zlib, python, gcc are normally pre-installed on most Linux systems. If not, please go ahead and install them as well. Then please do the following in the top level directory of the distribution:
make && make install
This should create a bin
folder and copy all the required binaries to it.
Please make sure that following files are in the bin
If you download a release from Github, it does not include Google Sparsehash. Please install Google Sparsehash before moving to the next step.
zlib, python, gcc are normally pre-installed on most Linux systems. If not, please go ahead and install them as well.
Modify the src/Makefile to add the Google Sparsehash header files to line 64,70
after -I
. Once that is done please do the following in the top level directory
of the distribution:
make && make install
This should create a bin
folder and copy all the required binaries to it.
Please make sure that following files are in the bin
BaitSTR consists of 3 modules that should be run sequentially to find exact STR's along with their flanking bases. Here we describe the 3 modules and the general idea behind them.
Select and annotate reads that harbor a short tandem repeat.
select_STR_reads [options] reads1.fq reads2.fq ...
where the options are:
-h,--help : print usage and quit.
-n,--numcopies: require at least this number of copies. [2]
-f,--flank: require >= these many bps around the STR on each side. [31]
-v,--version: print version and quit.
-2,--2mer : print reads that harbor only 2mers.
-3,--3mer : print reads that harbor only 3mers.
-4,--4mer : print reads that harbor only 4mers.
-5,--5mer : print reads that harbor only 5mers.
-6,--6mer : print reads that harbor only 6mers.
-r,--removehm: ignore STR that harbor homopolymer runs.
-p,--numprocesses: use these number of processes. [2]
-s,--chunksize: each process should be assigned chunk of reads. [100000]
This script uses the re
module in python to find all STR's of length 2-6. It
uses the multiprocessing
module to run this script in parallel.
- We print the motif, number of copies of the motif, 0 based start position of the motif, and end position of the motif in the name of the read. We also print the information about the motif if the read was reverse complemented and analyzed.
- We include homopolymer runs in the output. For example
is considered a valid motif/pattern. This can be disabled using the-r
option. - The user should always select a flanking distance that is longer than the kmer length he/she intends to use for the subsequent analyses.
- We print Sanger quality values for the reads that are selected.
- In case where we find an STR that could be the result of repetition of two or more mers, then we always select the lower'mer. For example, ATATATAT can be a result of repetition of AT or ATAT. We select AT in this example.
- reads1.fq, reads2.fq, ... are all files in FASTQ format which contain the reads from a single sample.
- The read files (reads1.fq, reads2.fq, ...) can be zipped. This module
can handle them safely if the file names end with a
. - The user should use --2mer if they are only interested in finding reads that harbor a STR formed as a result of repetition of a 2mer. --2mer --3mer will result in finding of reads that harbor either a 2mer STR or a 3mer STR and so on. By default reads that harbor [2,6]mer all found.
Merge reads that support the same STR.
merge_STR_reads [options] klength reads.str.fq
help Print this string and quit.[--nohelp]
debug Print extra debug information in this run.[--nodebug]
min_threshold Discard blocks that include < min_threshold reads
max_threshold Discard blocks that include > max_threshold reads
progress print progress every so many sequences[--progress=1000000]
all include non-polymorphic STRs in the output [--noall]
- klength refers to the kmer length to be used.
- reads.str.fq refers to the fastq file with reads that have STR's (in most cases this is the output from select_STR_reads.
- This script assumes that the fastq quality values in the input file are in Sanger format.
- The kmer length in this module should be <= the size of the flanks in the input file reads.str.fq (which would be at least equal to the value of the argument -f for select_STR_reads)
- The arguments min_threshold and max_threshold should be set to ignore reads that have a lot of errors or are in regions which are large repeats and would be difficult to untangle.
Extend fastq reads based on the kmer structure from Illumina reads.
extend_STR_reads [options] gs klen str.reads.fq reads1.fq reads2.fq ...
help: print this string and quit.[--nohelp]
debug: print extra debug information in this run.[--nodebug]
min_threshold: discard kmers that are observed < min_threshold times.
max_threshold: discard kmers that are observed > max_threshold times.
progress: print progress every so many sequences[--progress=1000000]
flanks: the maximum size of flanks extension[--flanks=1024]
ploidy: the ploidy of the genome[--ploidy=2]
heterozygosity: fraction of nucleotides that differ between inherited
errorrate: expected error rate in sequencing[--errorrate=0.01]
- gs is the expected genome size of the sample.
- klen refers to the kmer length that should be used. It should be <= the size of the flanks in the input file reads.str.fq (which would be at least equal to the value of the argument -f for select_STR_reads). If the user chooses a klen greater than the size of the flanks, then the program issues a warning, and ignores blocks where the STR is located such that a kmer (not including the STR) cannot be identified at the edge of the merged read. str.reads.fq is the output from merge_STR_reads.
- reads1.fq, reads2.fq, ... are all files in FASTQ format which contain the reads from a single sample.
- flanks represents the maximum extension of the reads on either side. By defaults, the reads are extended at most 1024 bases on both sides.
- ploidy represents the number of sets of chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell. By default we assume a value of 2 to represent mammalian genomes.
- heterozygosity refers to the fraction of nucleotides that differ between inherited chromosomes in the species. By default a value of 0.001 is used.
- errorrate is the approximate sequencing error rate, which is assumed to be 1% by default to represent Illumina short sequences.
- This module can handle zipped FASTQ files as well, just like select_STR_reads and merge_STR_reads.
- This module uses a bloom filter to throw out kmers that are observed less than min_threshold times. We iterate the sequences in reads1.fq, reads2.fq... twice to calculate the correct kmer counts and then ignore kmers that are either observed less than min_threshold times, or observed greater than max_threshold times.
- We extend the flanks of the STR regions up to 1024 bases on both sides. The code can be changed relatively easily to handle larger values, but since the idea is to have flanks for PCR amplification, that would not be of much value.
- The output of this module is mini-contigs, which contain the STR regions.
- The names of the contigs contain a unique identifier, 0-based [start,end) coordinates for the STR as well.
- The sample used in this case is assumed to be diploid. If this module finds that the sample has two different copy numbers for the same motif and flanks, then that is specified in the name of the contig. For example the name of a contig can be:
>Block2 TC 5,7 191 205
This means that we observed the provided flanks around a STR with either 5 or 7 copies in the sample. The STR in this contig can be found at [191,205), and reflects the STR with 7 copies ((205-191) / length(TC))
- The program ensures that a flanking region is only selected at most once in the dataset. This is done by mantaining a flag which is stored for each non-erroneous kmer. The program does not extend a read if it encounters a kmers during the extension that has been used in a previous extension.
A test dataset is provided with the distribution in the test_data
The test_data folder has the following files:
- 2 sequence files (Illumina_100_500_1.fq & Illumina_100_500_2.fq) in the FASTQ format where the qualities are encoded in the Illumina format (q + 64). The sequence reads were created using pIRS ( for a artificial genome of 4000 bps.
- Makefile which shows the various steps that need to be run for this pipeline.
So, let us run the steps, one at a time and examine the pipeline.
make select_strs
This runs the following command:
../bin/select_STR_reads -i -n 3 -f 29 Illumina_100_500_1.fq Illumina_100_500_2.fq > reads.str.fq
This module extracts the reads that harbor an STR which has at least 3 copies
and at least 29 bps flanking the STR on both sides. The option -i
is to inform
the script that the quality values are encoded in the Illumina format. The
output of the above step is a fastq file reads.str.fq, which contains the above
mentioned reads along with some additional information about the STR.
make merge_strs
This runs the following command
../bin/merge_STR_reads 27 reads.str.fq > merged.reads.str.fq
This module analyzes the results of the previous step and attempts to merge reads that support the same STR. The merged reads are now stored in a fastq file merged.reads.str.fq. The expected output here is a single polymorphic STR location represented by a fastq read. If you want to look at all the STR locations including the non-polymorphic locations, then add the '--all' switch to merge_STR_reads command line. The new line in the Makefile should be
$C/merge_STR_reads --all 27 reads.str.fq > merged.reads.str.fq
make extend_strs
This runs the following command
../bin/extend_STR_reads 4000 27 merged.reads.str.fq Illumina_100_500_1.fq Illumina_100_500_2.fq > contigs.str.fa
This module reads in all the reads in Illumina_100_500_1.fq and Illumina_100_500_2.fq. It removes all kmers that are only seen once. It then reads the sequences in merged.reads.str.fq and attempts to extend them on both sides. The resulting output has one contig for each such STR in merged.reads.str.fq. The names of the contigs contain a unique identifier, the motif that is repeated in the STR, the 0-based [start,end) coordinates for the STR in the contig.
The expected output should contain 1 contig, containing the flanking region around a motif in the dataset.