ASP.NET core REST API to retrieve exchange rates for the given time periods. Source data are obtained from the European Central Bank.
- Generate new API Key
- Get exchange rates for given currencies and time period
- Logging all major events
- .NET Core 3.1
- MS SQL Server
- Entity Framework Core
- Swashbuckle Swagger
- Newtonsoft.Json
- Serilog
- XUnit
- Clone repository
- Prepare database:
- Restore database ExchangeDB from backup file 'ExchangeRateAPI/Database/ExchangeDB.bak' in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Create database manually using 'Database.sql' script (script does not contain API Key data)
- Make sure you have installed all needed packages and dependencies
- Replace connection strings in appsettings.json with connection string to your database
- Build and run project ExchangeRateAPI
- Send request to '/key' endpoint. For example:
- API generates new key based on request date and expiration date
- API sends response. For example:
- "data" is your generated API Key.
- API key is valid by default for 6 months
- Prepare currency codes.
- Prepare dictionary of 3-letter currency codes
- For example if you want data about USD -> EUR and PLN -> EUR currency rates you need to prepare dictionary with structure: {"USD":"EUR","PLN":"EUR"}
- in URL format: %7B%22USD%22%3A%22EUR%22%2C%22PLN%22%3A%22EUR%22%7D
- right now API can't handle the same currency from if you want USD -> EUR and USD -> PLN you need to send two separate request, otherwise API will return only one of them
- Prepare start date.
- start date specify from what date you want to get the exchange rates
- date is presented in format yyyy-MM-dd
- Prepare end date.
- end date specyfy to what date you want to get the exchange rates
- date is presented in format yyyy-MM-dd
- end date is optional, if you dont specify it it means you want only exchange rates from StartDate
- Prepare API key
- use valid API Key you have got from /key endpoint
- Send request. For example:
- API will try to gather all requested data and send response. For example:
"succeded": true,
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"dateOfExchangeRate": "2021-11-20T00:00:00",
"currencyFrom": "PLN",
"currencyTo": "EUR",
"exchangeRate": 4.6818
"dateOfExchangeRate": "2021-11-21T00:00:00",
"currencyFrom": "PLN",
"currencyTo": "EUR",
"exchangeRate": 4.6818
"dateOfExchangeRate": "2021-11-20T00:00:00",
"currencyFrom": "USD",
"currencyTo": "EUR",
"exchangeRate": 1.1271
"dateOfExchangeRate": "2021-11-21T00:00:00",
"currencyFrom": "USD",
"currencyTo": "EUR",
"exchangeRate": 1.1271
- If some of exchange rates for given currencies are unknown, API will return only known information
- If you send request with date from future or unknown currencies you will get 404 Not Found response