AngularJS module for Contentstack - Content Delivery API
Include the Contentstack AngularJS min file in the script tag.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/angular-contentstack.min.js"></script>
Then add the contentstack
module to the dependencies of your AngularJS application module and configure it in a config block using the stackProvider
angular.module('app', ['contentstack']);
.config(['$locationProvider', 'stackProvider',
function($locationProvider, stackProvider) {
// initialize the stack
'api_key': 'Stack api key',
'access_token': 'Stack accestoken',
'environment': 'Your environment'
Once stackProvider configuration is done, you can use directives and services.
Retrive all the entires or a single entry of a Content Type.
<contentstack-entry content-type="{Content_Type_ID}"> </contentstack-entry>
<contentstack-entry content-type="blog" as="entries">
<!--Your will get "entires" array of entry objects -->
<li data-ng-repeat="entry in entries">{{entry.title}}</li>
Note: If "as" attribute is not provided then by default the entries are available as $contentstackEntries variable.
<contentstack-entry content-type="news" uid="blt12345678910" as="entry">
<!--Your will get "entry" object -->
Note: If "as" attribute is not provided then by default the entry is available as $contentstackEntry variable.
All the JS SDK Query functions are supported as an attribute.
For Example:
<contentstack-entry content-type="news" limit="5">
<contentstack-entry content-type="news" locale="hi-hi">
<contentstack-entry content-type="news" includeReference="categories">
For more functions, check out the JS SDK Query documentation.
The contentstack service can be injected as follows:
.controller('MyController', function(contentstack){
// contentstack service is a stack object initialiased with options provided to the stackProvider.
var Query = contentstack.ContentType("News").Query(); // build query object for news content type
.then(function success(result) {
// result is array where -
// result[0] => entry objects
// result[result.length-1] => entry objects count included only when .includeCount() is queried.
// result[1] => schema of the content type is included when .includeSchema() is queried.
}, function error(err) {
// err object
The pagination helper can be used to paginate contentstack entries. Lets take a look at the variables and functions it provides -
Pagination Variables
- $pagination.currentPage- gives current page number
- $pagination.totalPages- gives total number of pages
- $pagination.totalCount- gives total number of entries
- $pagination.itemsPerPage- gives count of entries per page
Pagination Methods
- $pagination.previous()- returns pervious page entries and replaces the DOM with the new page entries
- $ returns next page entries and replaces the DOM with new page entries
- $pagination.loadMore()- load next page entries and appends new entries in DOM. Use this for infinite scrolling.
Example (Next/Previous Pagination):
<button data-ng-disabled ="$pagination.currentPage === 1" data-ng-if="entry" data-ng-click="$pagination.previous()">Previous</button>
<button data-ng-disabled="$pagination.currentPage === $pagination.totalPages" data-ng-if="entries" data-ng-click="!isLoading && $">Next</button>
<span data-ng-if="entries">Current Page {{$pagination.currentPage}}</span>
<span data-ng-if="entries">Total Pages {{$pagination.totalPages}}</span>
<span data-ng-if="entries">Total Count {{$pagination.totalCount}}</span>
<contentstack-entry content-type="news" as="entries" limit="3" >
<div data-ng-if="!$isLoading" data-ng-repeat="entry in entries" >
<h1 data-ng-bind="entry.title"></h1>
<div data-ng-bind-html="entry.body"></div>
<div class="loader" data-ng-if="entries && $isLoading">Loading...</div>
Example (Load More):
<contentstack-entry content-type="news" as="entries" limit="3" >
<div data-ng-repeat="entry in entries" >
<h1 data-ng-bind="entry.title"></h1>
<div data-ng-bind-html="entry.body"></div>
<div data-ng-if="entries && $isLoading">Loading...</div>
<div data-ng-if="!$isLoading && && ($pagination.currentPage !== $pagination.totalPages)">NO MORE DATA</div>
<button data-ng-if="!$isLoading && ($pagination.currentPage !== $pagination.totalPages)" data-ng-click="$pagination.loadMore()">loadMore</button>