There are many popular tools around to help people contribute to their passive investment, i.e. Passiv, but there is no tool around (that I know of) that helps people manage their investment withdrawal. Thus, the goal of this project is to help the retired populations to manage their assets.
(HackED 2021 Project). This project won the Best use of Google Cloud award!
This program retrieves the account data from Questrade, then calculate the number of ETF/ stock shares to sell while maintaining the pre-defined portfolio allocation, withdrawal goal, and minimize the commission fees. These optimizations are achieved through a genetic algorithm. The resulting solution is then sent through either SMS, email, or both.
This project is built using Python with ❤️
- sendgrid
- qtrade
- twilio
- pyeasyga
- open the crontab: crontab -e
- add an entry so it runs on the first day of every month:
0 12 1 * * /full_path/PayDayRobo/
- save the crontab file
Got the script working!
- Communicate Questrade API
- Minimize the portfolio allocation error using genetic algorithm
- Send the result via SMS
- Setup my domain with
- Send the result via email
- Deploy the project as a cron job in a VM on Google Cloud
- Make the Email Beautiful (HTML) (stretch goal)
- Dockerize the project (stretch goal)
- Deploy the project in some sort of Kubernetes compute service (stretch goal)
- Incorporate some sort of adjusted cost base (ACB) calculation at the beginning of each year for income tax purpose (stretch goal)
(The BEE project from MailUp was used to generate the Email design)
My work is released under the MIT license