This component is built with React Native 0.39+
and works for Android and iOS.
Import AnalogClock.js
import AnalogClock from './AnalogClock';
Basic Usage
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import AnalogClock from './AnalogClock';
export default class ClockContainer extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
Add a background image
Uncomment the following in the AnalogClock.js render function and change image source to path to your image.
style={{width: this.props.clockSize - this.props.clockBorderWidth*2,
height: this.props.clockSize - this.props.clockBorderWidth*2}}
Property name | Type | Default | Description |
clockSize | number | 270 | The size of the clock frame |
clockBorderColor | string | 'black' | The color of the frame border |
clockBorderWidth | number | 7 | The width of the frame border |
clockCentreColor | string | 'black' | The color of the clock centre |
clockCentreSize | number | 15 | The size of the clock centre |
hourHandColor | string | 'black' | The color of the hour hand |
hourHandCurved | boolean | true | Curved hour hand tip |
hourHandLength | number | 70 | The length of the hour hand |
hourHandWidth | number | 5.5 | The width of the hour hand |
hourHandOffset | number | 0 | Hour hand offset from the centre |
minuteHandColor | string | 'black' | The color of the minute hand |
minuteHandCurved | boolean | true | Curved minute hand tip |
minuteHandLength | number | 100 | The length of the minute hand |
minuteHandWidth | number | 5 | The width of the minute hand |
minuteHandOffset | number | 0 | Minute hand offset from the centre |
secondHandColor | string | 'black' | The color of the second hand |
secondHandCurved | boolean | false | Curved hour second tip |
secondHandLength | number | 120 | The length of the second hand |
secondHandWidth | number | 2 | The width of the second hand |
secondHandOffset | number | 0 | Second hand offset from the centre |
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