jmc is a client for the mpd music server software. It connect to the server and fetches the cover art of albums in the playlist, and then it displays them in a pleasing manner based on command line options. Full client capabilities are planned.
jmc requires libmpdclient, SDL, SDL_image, and SDL_gfx
Once you have the dependencies, type
sudo make install
if you are on osx, try
make osx
sudo make install
This is not guaranteed to work.
At the moment, jmc only supports local servers. You should set this option or similar in your mpd.conf:
bind_to_address "~/.mpd/socket"
If you would prefer to use a network server rather than a socket, jmc will still work if you set the -D option with the path to your music database. You can set the port, host, and timeout manually from jmc, but setting the MPD_HOST, MPD_PORT, and MPD_TIMEOUT environment variables is the standard way to ensure that these are set automatically.
Currently jmc supports embedded id3 covers in mp3 files and covers in the same folder as songs.
- Automatic cover fetching (with MusicBrainz and Amazon support)
- Network server support
- Cover databases
- Optional progress bar and album info display
- Basic controls (song changing, album changing, view modification etc.)
- Quicker, seamless buffering