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Merge pull request #847 from rdaly525/update-tests-linebreaks
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Update gold files for linebreaks
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leonardt authored Feb 21, 2020
2 parents 303344a + 4d710f2 commit 27540ce
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Showing 17 changed files with 626 additions and 93 deletions.
50 changes: 44 additions & 6 deletions tests/binary/gold/concat.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,56 @@
module coreir_slice #(parameter hi = 1, parameter lo = 0, parameter width = 1) (input [width-1:0] in, output [hi-lo-1:0] out);
module coreir_slice #(
parameter hi = 1,
parameter lo = 0,
parameter width = 1
) (
input [width-1:0] in,
output [hi-lo-1:0] out
assign out = in[hi-1:lo];

module coreir_concat #(parameter width0 = 1, parameter width1 = 1) (input [width0-1:0] in0, input [width1-1:0] in1, output [width0+width1-1:0] out);
module coreir_concat #(
parameter width0 = 1,
parameter width1 = 1
) (
input [width0-1:0] in0,
input [width1-1:0] in1,
output [width0+width1-1:0] out
assign out = {in1,in0};

module concats (input [15:0] in, output [15:0] out);
module concats (
input [15:0] in,
output [15:0] out
wire [15:0] cc0_out;
wire [3:0] s0_out;
wire [11:0] s1_out;
coreir_concat #(.width0(4), .width1(12)) cc0(.in0(s0_out), .in1(s1_out), .out(cc0_out));
coreir_slice #(.hi(16), .lo(12), .width(16)) s0(.in(in), .out(s0_out));
coreir_slice #(.hi(15), .lo(3), .width(16)) s1(.in(in), .out(s1_out));
coreir_concat #(
) cc0 (
coreir_slice #(
) s0 (
coreir_slice #(
) s1 (
assign out = cc0_out;

6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion tests/gtest/add_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
module Top (input [7:0] I0, input [7:0] I1, output [7:0] O);
module Top (
input [7:0] I0,
input [7:0] I1,
output [7:0] O
assign O = I0 + I1;

15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions tests/gtest/array_select_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,20 @@
module foo (input [3:0] I, output [3:0] O);
assign O = I;
module top (input [3:0] self_I, output [3:0] O);
module top (
input [3:0] self_I,
output [3:0] O
wire [3:0] inst0_O;
wire [3:0] inst1_O;
foo inst0(.I({self_I[2],self_I[1],self_I[0],self_I[0]}), .O(inst0_O));
foo inst1(.I({self_I[1],inst0_O[1],inst0_O[1],inst0_O[0]}), .O(inst1_O));
foo inst0 (
foo inst1 (
assign O = {self_I[1],self_I[0],inst1_O[0],inst1_O[0]};

10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions tests/gtest/blackbox_verilog_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
module foo (input I, output O);
assign O = I;
module top (input I, output O);
foo inst0(.I(I), .O(O));
module top (
input I,
output O
foo inst0 (

34 changes: 28 additions & 6 deletions tests/gtest/debug_info_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
// Module `Term2` defined externally
// Module `And2` defined externally
module main (input [1:0] I, output O, output [1:0] O1);
module main (
input [1:0] I,
output O,
output [1:0] O1
// Module `main` defined at tests/test_circuit/
wire and2_0_O;
wire and2_1_O;
Expand All @@ -9,23 +13,41 @@ wire and2_3_O;
// Instance `and2_0` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_0.I0, I[0])` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_0.I1, I[1])` created at tests/test_circuit/
And2 and2_0(.I0(I[0]), .I1(I[1]), .O(and2_0_O));
And2 and2_0 (
// Instance `and2_1` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_1.I0, and2_0_O)` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_1.I1, I[1])` created at tests/test_circuit/
And2 and2_1(.I0(and2_0_O), .I1(I[1]), .O(and2_1_O));
And2 and2_1 (
// Instance `and2_2` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_2.I0, and2_1_O)` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_2.I1, I[1])` created at tests/test_circuit/
And2 and2_2(.I0(and2_1_O), .I1(I[1]), .O(and2_2_O));
And2 and2_2 (
// Instance `and2_3` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_3.I0, and2_2_O)` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(and2_3.I1, I[1])` created at tests/test_circuit/
And2 and2_3(.I0(and2_2_O), .I1(I[1]), .O(and2_3_O));
And2 and2_3 (
// Instance `term0` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(term0.I[1], and2_2_O)` created at tests/test_circuit/
// Connection `(term0.I[0], and2_3_O)` created at tests/test_circuit/
Term2 term0(.I({and2_2_O,and2_3_O}));
Term2 term0 (
// Connection `(O, and2_3_O)` created at tests/test_circuit/
assign O = and2_3_O;
// Connection `(O1[0], and2_2_O)` created at tests/test_circuit/
Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions tests/gtest/inline_verilog_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,16 @@ always @(posedge CLK) begin
O <= I;
module Main (input I, output O, input CLK);
FF FF_inst0(.I(I), .O(O), .CLK(CLK));
module Main (
input I,
output O,
input CLK
FF FF_inst0 (

assert property { @(posedge CLK) I |-> ##1 O };

Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion tests/gtest/inline_verilog_top_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
module Monitor (input CLK, input handshake_arr_0_ready, input handshake_arr_0_valid, input handshake_arr_1_ready, input handshake_arr_1_valid, input handshake_arr_2_ready, input handshake_arr_2_valid, input handshake_ready, input handshake_valid, input [3:0] in1, input [3:0] in2, input intermediate_tuple__0, input intermediate_tuple__1, input mon_temp1, input mon_temp2, input out);
module Monitor (
input CLK,
input handshake_arr_0_ready,
input handshake_arr_0_valid,
input handshake_arr_1_ready,
input handshake_arr_1_valid,
input handshake_arr_2_ready,
input handshake_arr_2_valid,
input handshake_ready,
input handshake_valid,
input [3:0] in1,
input [3:0] in2,
input intermediate_tuple__0,
input intermediate_tuple__1,
input mon_temp1,
input mon_temp2,
input out

logic temp1, temp2;
assign temp1 = |(in1);
Expand Down
19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions tests/gtest/intermediate_connection_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,25 @@ module foo (input I, inout IO, output O);
assign O = I;
assign IO = I;
module top (input I, inout IO0, inout IO1, output O);
module top (
input I,
inout IO0,
inout IO1,
output O
wire inst0_IO;
wire inst0_O;
wire inst1_IO;
foo inst0(.I(I), .IO(inst0_IO), .O(inst0_O));
foo inst1(.I(inst0_O), .IO(inst1_IO), .O(O));
foo inst0 (
foo inst1 (
assign inst0_IO = inst1_IO;
assign IO0 = inst0_IO;
assign inst0_IO = IO1;
Expand Down
87 changes: 78 additions & 9 deletions tests/gtest/mux_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,93 @@
module commonlib_muxn__N2__width8 (input [7:0] in_data_0, input [7:0] in_data_1, input [0:0] in_sel, output [7:0] out);
module commonlib_muxn__N2__width8 (
input [7:0] in_data_0,
input [7:0] in_data_1,
input [0:0] in_sel,
output [7:0] out
assign out = in_sel[0] ? in_data_1 : in_data_0;

module commonlib_muxn__N4__width8 (input [7:0] in_data_0, input [7:0] in_data_1, input [7:0] in_data_2, input [7:0] in_data_3, input [1:0] in_sel, output [7:0] out);
module commonlib_muxn__N4__width8 (
input [7:0] in_data_0,
input [7:0] in_data_1,
input [7:0] in_data_2,
input [7:0] in_data_3,
input [1:0] in_sel,
output [7:0] out
wire [7:0] muxN_0_out;
wire [7:0] muxN_1_out;
commonlib_muxn__N2__width8 muxN_0(.in_data_0(in_data_0), .in_data_1(in_data_1), .in_sel(in_sel[1 - 1:0]), .out(muxN_0_out));
commonlib_muxn__N2__width8 muxN_1(.in_data_0(in_data_2), .in_data_1(in_data_3), .in_sel(in_sel[1 - 1:0]), .out(muxN_1_out));
commonlib_muxn__N2__width8 muxN_0 (
.in_sel(in_sel[1 - 1:0]),
commonlib_muxn__N2__width8 muxN_1 (
.in_sel(in_sel[1 - 1:0]),
assign out = in_sel[1] ? muxN_1_out : muxN_0_out;

module commonlib_muxn__N8__width8 (input [7:0] in_data_0, input [7:0] in_data_1, input [7:0] in_data_2, input [7:0] in_data_3, input [7:0] in_data_4, input [7:0] in_data_5, input [7:0] in_data_6, input [7:0] in_data_7, input [2:0] in_sel, output [7:0] out);
module commonlib_muxn__N8__width8 (
input [7:0] in_data_0,
input [7:0] in_data_1,
input [7:0] in_data_2,
input [7:0] in_data_3,
input [7:0] in_data_4,
input [7:0] in_data_5,
input [7:0] in_data_6,
input [7:0] in_data_7,
input [2:0] in_sel,
output [7:0] out
wire [7:0] muxN_0_out;
wire [7:0] muxN_1_out;
commonlib_muxn__N4__width8 muxN_0(.in_data_0(in_data_0), .in_data_1(in_data_1), .in_data_2(in_data_2), .in_data_3(in_data_3), .in_sel(in_sel[2 - 1:0]), .out(muxN_0_out));
commonlib_muxn__N4__width8 muxN_1(.in_data_0(in_data_4), .in_data_1(in_data_5), .in_data_2(in_data_6), .in_data_3(in_data_7), .in_sel(in_sel[2 - 1:0]), .out(muxN_1_out));
commonlib_muxn__N4__width8 muxN_0 (
.in_sel(in_sel[2 - 1:0]),
commonlib_muxn__N4__width8 muxN_1 (
.in_sel(in_sel[2 - 1:0]),
assign out = in_sel[2] ? muxN_1_out : muxN_0_out;

module Mux8x8 (input [7:0] I0, input [7:0] I1, input [7:0] I2, input [7:0] I3, input [7:0] I4, input [7:0] I5, input [7:0] I6, input [7:0] I7, input [2:0] S, output [7:0] O);
commonlib_muxn__N8__width8 coreir_commonlib_mux8x8_inst0(.in_data_0(I0), .in_data_1(I1), .in_data_2(I2), .in_data_3(I3), .in_data_4(I4), .in_data_5(I5), .in_data_6(I6), .in_data_7(I7), .in_sel(S), .out(O));
module Mux8x8 (
input [7:0] I0,
input [7:0] I1,
input [7:0] I2,
input [7:0] I3,
input [7:0] I4,
input [7:0] I5,
input [7:0] I6,
input [7:0] I7,
input [2:0] S,
output [7:0] O
commonlib_muxn__N8__width8 coreir_commonlib_mux8x8_inst0 (

32 changes: 27 additions & 5 deletions tests/gtest/port_order_golden.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,34 @@
module Add8_cin (input [7:0] z, input [7:0] x, output [7:0] a, input CIN);
module Add8_cin (
input [7:0] z,
input [7:0] x,
output [7:0] a,
input CIN
assign a = (({1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,CIN}) + z) + x;

module Sub8 (input [7:0] z, input [7:0] x, output [7:0] a);
Add8_cin inst1(.z(z), .x(~ x), .a(a), .CIN(1'b1));
module Sub8 (
input [7:0] z,
input [7:0] x,
output [7:0] a
Add8_cin inst1 (
.x(~ x),

module test_two_ops (input [7:0] z, input [7:0] x, output [7:0] a);
Sub8 inst1(.z(z + x), .x(z), .a(a));
module test_two_ops (
input [7:0] z,
input [7:0] x,
output [7:0] a
Sub8 inst1 (
.z(z + x),


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