Pomodoro / HIIT style Interval timer right in the console.
Cli tool that lets you create a set of interval sequences.
$ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin terminal-notifier
Install npm and run:
$ npm install --global interval-timer-cli
$ sudo apt-get install festival festvox-kallpc16k libnotify-bin
Install npm and run:
$ npm install --global interval-timer-cli
For all options:
$ interval-timer --help
Creating a pomodoro set of 25 minutes, then five minutes that will be repeated twice:
$ interval-timer --sets 2 --intervals 25,5
Creating a practice sequence of 15 minutes, then five minutes then 3 minutes that will be done just once:
$ interval-timer --intervals 15,5,3
The speak flag can be used to enable text to speech for audio feedback:
$ interval-timer --speak --sets 2 --intervals 25,5
During a set you can use the following keybindings:
"p" to pause/resume the timer.
"1-9" to add 1-9 minutes to the timer
"-" will remove 1 minute from the timer
MIT © Ricardo de Pena