This Ansible role provides the ability to build, tag and push Docker containers for usage in TripleO with tooling provided by Kolla.
For the full list of parameters and configuration available for this role, refer to the default variable file.
--- # playbook.yml - name: Build Nova Kolla images hosts: build_node become: yes become_user: root vars: kolla_rdo_images: - nova tasks: - include_role: name: "kolla-build"
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --tags "setup,build"
This will, on a CentOS host in the build_node
Ansible inventory group:
- Install and configure Docker
- Install and configure Kolla
- Build only nova related containers (and their parent layers)
Note that the default list of container images to build is provided by tripleo-common.
--- # playbook.yml - name: Build Kolla images hosts: build_node become: yes become_user: root vars: kolla_registry: "" kolla_insecure_registry: true kolla_push: true tasks: - include_role: name: "kolla-build"
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
This will, on a CentOS host in the build_node
Ansible inventory group:
- Install and configure Docker
- Install and configure Kolla
- Build all default supported containers
- Push them to the private registry
Note that the default list of container images to build is provided by tripleo-common.
--- # playbook.yml # An OpenShift registry does not require to set a username and email - name: Build Kolla images hosts: build_node become: yes become_user: root vars: kolla_registry: "" kolla_push: true kolla_registry_password: openshift-token kolla_registry_cacert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC6jCCAdKgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAmMSQwIgYDVQQDDBtvcGVu c2hpZnQtc2lnbmVyQDE0OTQ2MjU3ODQwHhcNMTcwNTEyMjE0OTQzWhcNMjIwNTEx MjE0OTQ0WjAmMSQwIgYDVQQDDBtvcGVuc2hpZnQtc2lnbmVyQDE0OTQ2MjU3ODQw ggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDR5SMhOK/LrXA9Hr6Ij/hi rW++SIiIR3NI9pGWM8b58tyb//tlQCCxpAVd2NDKHlRGEYWOc6cq3Br/uGpyVxKO pWNJoGCXlGlwQtUne56ICOBbk39DVqFiWshtU7JCkiI3Q7Lr3AXaUJQ8ZnBlYSaL If4rx4l7qQLzqsBY8RQB8ZZ5wgL2sHux4l1u+mX3678VaeibigWduR6g/6KrBwz0 p4okfhOxfNVImWeYktv0lke+WpROIkXRZXH/dzskLpyvsqKuGo8QeKqAdhHSzr49 fO5yYYK0phkFRXSSMOf2SFymUAYHEkkmWDq3me6+fmeOv02F8Rzjjck1K1cuQOhb AgMBAAGjIzAhMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwICpDAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAp9MCNzfl487S2wGyAtL1qVbLQyDUnOZOqvXDAq2cxMcuC sKK+U00rPF1L9qf6tlWKczR0b1HSfBFuYZ8+F5Z5AdVUjSsbkfswQJXvesXpGY1/ TzFP7V3deW5r9KIPMvQb7zzWNIbYxCel5ZfFcfp0Ruryzh1wl8BepmwEoqbTP2pw 64ozdU38BV6ygQ1b5sRla/ibwIrJn7WwZPwAvr93q0xmv9i/h06wp4FA5k9i41oD Ff/jqQBPskGarOLaKjCxvMI83LbDn3VDcafXxVEDrYHfq4AzbCd3oWPe7M4kyf54 YCeM/13GP41SdtgPCL0+CovbGxlrcSwcPFK90FhF -----END CERTIFICATE----- tasks: - include_role: name: "kolla-build"
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
This will, on a CentOS host in the build_node
Ansible inventory group:
- Install and configure Docker
- Install and configure Kolla
- Build all default supported containers
- Push them to the registry
The role ships a playbook, tag-promotion
which wraps around the process
of taking a tagged image that already exists on the registry and creating or updating
a new tag.
This is used to promote, for example, a given set of images tagged with a hash to 'latest-passed-ci'.