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Repository for Jenkins and general CI configuration for RDO.

Using Jenkins Job Builder

Jenkins job builder makes it easier to develop, maintain and version jobs.

To install it:

pip install jenkins-job-builder

Create your config.ini from the config.ini.sample file, according to your Jenkins configuration, then create/update the jobs, a bit like this:

git clone
cd jenkins
cp config.ini.sample config.ini
# Edit config.ini to use your jenkins instance and credentials
vi config.ini
jenkins-jobs --conf config.ini update jobs

Jenkins plugins

There are a number of Jenkins plugins that are required or otherwise nice to have for best results and to run these jobs with full functionality, here's a list:


  • GIT plugin: For cloning repositories and checking out revisions
  • Gerrit Trigger: For watching gerrit reviews patchsets and trigger gate jobs

Nice to have

  • OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin: For HTML markup in job descriptions (Enable "Safe HTML" Markup Formatter in Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global security)
  • AnsiColor: For colorized output in Jenkins console
  • Timestamper: For timestamps in Jenkins console

Other required configuration

There's some required Jenkins system and plugin configuration to do which is not provided by JJB.


The Gerrit Trigger Plugin requires a Gerrit server to be configured in order to allow the Jenkins instance to listen to the GerritHub event stream.

This is done in Manage Jenkins -> Gerrit Trigger -> Add new server:

name: rdo-ci-centos # This name is used in the JJB files, it's important.
frontend url:
ssh port: 29418
username: <your gerrithub username>
email: <your email>
ssh keyfile: <path to your ssh keyfile>

The remainder of the defaults should be good or up to your discretion.

Jenkins slave: Label

The jobs are set to run on any slave/node with the label rdo. You need to make sure this is configured on the nodes you want the jobs to run on.

This is done in Managed Jenkins -> Managed Nodes -> <node> -> Configure:

labels: rdo

Jenkins slave: CICO environment variables

This is only required when running jobs on the infrastructure. WeIRDO and TripleO-Quickstart leverages python-cicoclient which provides an ansible module and CLI client to consume the ephemeral bare metal provisioning infrastructure.

You need to set your API key as well as the path to the SSH key used when connecting to the nodes as environment variables on your slave node(s).

This is done in Managed Jenkins -> Managed Nodes -> <node> -> Configure -> Node properties -> Environment variables -> Add:

value: <api key>

value: <path to private key>