New Features
Stylesheet for 4k Monitors
Additional stylesheet that is similar to default one, but 2 times bigger. It is intended to be used on 4k monitors.
It could be turned on using following code:
Stylesheet.Current = DefaultAssets.DefaultStylesheet2X;
FileDialog and ColorPickerDialog became styleable
New style classes had been added: FileDialogStyle and ColorPickerDialogStyle
Also it's possible to style it through json: https://github.com/rds1983/Myra/blob/6df22cd92e04b414c5c905190aed808b9c8f20a0/src/Myra/Resources/default_ui_skin.xmms#L145
API Changes
If you made custom stylesheet, then make sure the texture atlas contains "white" region, which is basically single white pixel.
Existance of "white" region is required for the custom stylesheet to work properly.
You can grab such image here: https://github.com/rds1983/Myra/blob/master/assets-raw/1x/white.png