Welcome to Deflect, a C++ library for streaming pixels to other Deflect-based applications, for example Tide. Deflect offers a stable API marked with version 1.0 (for the client part).
Deflect provides the following functionality:
- Stream pixels to a remote Server from one or multiple sources
- Stream stereo images from a distributed 3D application
- Receive input events from the Server and send data to it
- Transmitted events include keyboard, mouse and multi-point touch gestures
- Compressed or uncompressed streaming
- Fast multi-threaded JPEG (de)compression using libjpeg-turbo
DeflectQt (optional) provides the following additional functionality:
- Create QML applications which render offscreen and stream and receive events via Deflect
The following applications are provided which make use of the streaming API:
- DesktopStreamer: A small utility that lets you stream your desktop.
- SimpleStreamer: A simple example to demonstrate streaming of an OpenGL application.
- QmlStreamer (optional): An offscreen application to stream any given qml file.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/BlueBrain/Deflect.git
mkdir Deflect/build
cd Deflect/build
cmake -GNinja ..
To keep track of the changes between releases check the @ref Changelog.
Deflect is a cross-platform library, designed to run on any modern operating system, including all Unix variants. Deflect uses CMake to create a platform-specific build environment. The following platforms and build environments are tested:
- Linux: Ubuntu 16.04 and RHEL 6 (Makefile, Ninja; x64)
- Mac OS X: 10.7 - 10.10 (Makefile, Ninja; x86_64)
The latest API documentation can be found on bluebrain.github.io.